We are once again organizing a BIPOC speakers fund to increase the engagement of BIPOC people in our MCN 2023 conference. Providing a platform for a diverse range of speakers will make for a better conference for everyone.
With registration, you have the option to donate toward this special fund that will be equally distributed among self-identified, self-nominated BIPOC conference speakers. We aim to provide a minimum of $200 per applicant, as a small support toward covering costs of attending the conference. We welcome your contribution in any amount toward this goal—if we surpass it, the speakers will receive even more support. Whatever your contribution, thank you.
A few MCN Board members will be the sole administrators of the fund. All BIPOC speakers are encouraged to apply. You need to be an accepted speaker of MCN 2023, but you will not be asked for verification nor announced publicly. Applications are now open.
Please apply to the BIPOC Speakers Fund by November 10, 2023.