Getting Started

Welcome to another totally online MCN conference experience: we’re thrilled that you have decided to join us! Months in the making, our intention from the start was to ensure that this event is as welcoming, accessible, and easy to navigate as possible. This guide aims to deliver on this promise, and we hope you’ll find it useful.

We have broken down the details so that you can see what platforms we are using, how to use them, and call out where they might fall short, so you are ready to make the most of each tool, supporting our community as we come together in a whole new way. Being a community of technologists, we’ve also added a couple of optional tools to play with that we think are interesting in our thorough analysis of the many ways people are connecting online around the world.

Sched is where you’ll find the entire MCN 2021 conference program. From there, you can access all of the live conference sessions links, including after the conference ends.

Zoom is where you’ll be joining webinars and meetings. Everything other than sessions conducted under Chatham House Rules will be recorded and shared after the conference.

Slack is acting as the hallways between sessions in our virtual conference world. Chat on group channels or one on one to catch up with colleagues, and note that calling is enabled for face-to-face video chats or small (fewer than 15 people) group chats.

Twitter is Twitter, our community’s preferred public platform to share ideas and insights about the conference, and much more. Use #MCN2021 and any other hashtags promoted in sessions.


If you haven’t yet, purchase your registration for MCN 2021 VIRTUAL. Once registered, you’ll receive a confirmation email to get set up on our conference platforms. If you registered and didn’t get an invite to the program schedule, you can use your Eventbrite order number to get your Sched account setup or reset your password using this form

Questions or issues? Email [email protected] or reach out on the MCN Slack helpdesk channel.