Apply to serve on MCN’s DEAI Advisory Board (2020-2021 term)

We are recruiting 6 to 10 individuals to serve on the second year of our Advisory Board dedicated to diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion.


Governed by a Charter, MCN’s DEAI Advisory Board is a consultative body made up of community members tasked with representing and advocating for the interests of the MCN community on DEAI matters. The Advisory Board supports and guides the work of MCN in DEAI initiatives and begin our ongoing process to make the organization—and the field of museum technology—more inclusive.


This is a two-year commitment. The Advisory Board will meet at most on a quarterly basis. We encourage one face-to-face meeting per year at MCN’s annual conference, although the ability to attend the conference is not a prerequisite for joining the advisory board.


We hope to bring on around 6 to 10 new members who represent wide-ranging dimensions of diversity, with an eye towards giving voice to under-represented groups. For our organization, diversity means a lot of things. Advisors will advocate for groups that are historically marginalized due to race, gender and gender expression, sexual orientation, ability, economic background, and age. We’re also looking for members from a wide range of cultural institutions and professional roles, considering dimensions such as subject matter expertise, organization size, and stage in career.


Application are due by 11:59 PM PST on January 31, 2020.

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