Elect your 2020 SIG Chairs!

Each December, we ask the MCN community to elect the Chairs of our Special Interest Groups. SIGs, as we call them, are volunteer-led MCN members’ communities of practice that operate under the oversight of the MCN board and Executive Director. SIGs are organized around specific topics of interest or niche practice areas that reflect the diversity of the many technology and digital practices in the museum field (curious about how SIGs are governed? Read the SIG Charter).

SIG Chairs are all volunteers with a passion for their work and for helping their colleagues and the community around their specific practice area and beyond. This year, let’s thank Angie Judge, Keith Laba, David Garfinkel, Seema Rao, Alicia Viera, Ama Iromuanya, Alexis Light and Mark McKay for their service as they step down from their role.

As you review this year’s slate of candidates, you’ll notice 8 new faces ready to lead your SIGs next year.

Take a moment now through December 22, 2019 to elect your preferred chairs to lead our Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in 2020.


Eric Longo
Executive Director

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