Happy New Year from your 2019 Conference Program Co-Chairs!

Believe it or not, work is already underway for MCN 2019. I’m pleased to share that we had many outstanding applicants for the two Conference Program Co-Chair positions. From these, we’ve recruited Andrea Ledesma and Andrea Montiel de Shuman, who will serve as Co-Chairs for MCN 2019 and 2020. Both Andreas bring a wealth of professional experiences, deep involvement in the MCN community, and fresh ideas for innovating the conference program—learn more about them below.

Together, our “A-Team” will draw from our engagement in the sector and the community’s feedback from 2018 to facilitate a rigorous, engaging, and inclusive program for the 2019 conference.

Want to be involved in MCN 2019? We are seeking applications for the 2019 Conference Program Committee through Sunday, January 13, 2019. (You can apply here!) This essential group of professional volunteers establishes the MCN conference theme, identifies a keynote speaker, and evaluates session proposals. All of these activities are performed asynchronously online with proposal evaluations occurring in the first weeks of May.

Questions? Email [email protected].

—Adrienne Lalli Hills, MCN 2019 Conference Program Chair

Meet your Conference Program Co-Chairs

Adrienne Lalli Hills | @PrairieTrawler

Howdy, I’m Adrienne. In my spare time, I’m reading science nonfiction, experimenting with 1950s Jell-O mold recipes, and chasing a toddler around my home.

Presently I am the founding Manager of Exhibitions and Public Programs at ahha Tulsa. I work with artists to organize inclusive and accessible exhibitions and lead operations and pedagogy for a 2,600 sq ft arts-focused maker space and six community art studios. Working in a small, startup environment has been a fascinating change of pace from the previous positions I’ve held at larger institutions over the last decade.

In addition to serving as an MCN Program Co-Chair for the 2018 and 2019 conferences, I’m a member of the board of directors of the Museum Education Roundtable (publishers of the Journal of Museum Education) and Convening Chair for the Association of Art Museum Interpretation.

Andrea Ledesma | @am_ledesma

Andrea Ledesma headshot

Hello, I’m Andrea. As a public humanist and digital devotee, I’m fascinated with how digital technologies impact how we engage with history, culture, and each other.

Currently, I’m the Digital Content Coordinator at the Field Museum in Chicago. I support the maintenance of fieldmuseum.org and development of digital storytelling projects while keeping a keen eye on user experience and digital strategy. Before coming to the Field, I enjoyed working on digital projects for Brown University, the Tenement Museum, Digital Public Library of America, and National Park Service.

If not in a museum, I’m cooking up a new recipe, filling my head with pop culture, or continuing my search for the perfect bowl of noodles. I care deeply about the MCN community and am thrilled to serve as a program co-chair for MCN 2019. See everyone in San Diego!

Andrea Montiel de Shuman | @AndreaMontielS

Andrea Montiel de Schuman headshot


I’m Andrea with the longer name, born and raised in Puebla, Mexico, where I grew up surrounded by music, colors, and museums.

As a Digital Experience Designer at the Detroit Institute of Arts, I lead public-facing digital experiences that help visitors find themselves in art. My favorite tasks are to collaborate with community advisors and user-test, teamed up with different departments, largely with the Interpretation team.

Lately, I’ve been interested in how digital innovation can help serve communities that museums can struggle with.

I am passionate about indigenous textiles, enjoy illustrating, watch anything from Studio Ghibli and hunt for new music & weird books.

MCN has been a wonderful family since I first attended, so it is an honor to now serve as Program co-chair for the next two conference cycles.