MCN 2016 Sessions – Creating Anti-Oppressive Spaces On-line

 Panel for Creating Anti-oppressive online spaces

Creating Anti-Oppressive Spaces On-line

Wednesday, November 2, 2016 1:15 PM – 2:15 PM
Session Leader: NIkhil Trivedi, Senior Systems Analyst, A museum in Chicago
Co-Presenter: Sina Bahram, President, Prime Access Consulting
Co-Presenter: Eric Gardner, Digital Publications Developer, Getty Museum
Speaker: Trish Oxford, Principal Technologist, Trish Oxford Media

Does your sign-up form reinforce binary notions of gender? Does your latest web project unintentionally exclude visitors with different abilities, or from different backgrounds? Many of us are interested in creating anti-oppressive spaces in our work–those that share power more equitably, are representative of the places our institutions reside, and account for the traumatic histories that allowed many of our institutions to be established. This brainstorming session will look at existing spaces that have thought well in this area, and radically imagine what might be possible in the future. Attendees will walk away with a number of concrete ideas that they can apply to their current and future projects, which in incremental ways will push our sector towards a more just future that centers more and more people.


Creating Anti-Oppressive Spaces On-line