#MCN50 Voices: Rachel Ropeik & Charlotte Sexton





A spin of the wheel, a roll of the dice, a timely conversation. When you spend time deconstructing your working life and reflecting on those pivotal moments that have pushed you forward (or knocked you back), it doesn’t take long to realize that in the game of career ‘Chutes and Ladders,’ we are as likely to be impacted by the serendipitous as we are by a well-crafted ‘5-year plan’, and that people, culture, and values will trump technology any day of the week.

So agreed Rachel S. Ropeik, Manager of Public Engagement, Guggenheim Museum and Charlotte Sexton, an independent Digital Consultant and former Head of Digital Media, National Gallery London when they came together as two relative strangers to contribute to ‘MCN50 Voices’. Their goal: to have a candid conversation that would allow them to delicately unpack and compare their diverse career experiences, and pinpoint and distill those universal elements worthy of sharing.

Welcome to Rachel and Charlotte’s bespoke game of career ‘Chutes and Ladders’. Their personal celebration and shared take on modern working life—all in a handy board game format. A roll of the dice could see you moving up those ladders, taking advantage of hard won insights and experience, or conversely sliding down those chutes of frustration as you butt up against internal culture, stroppy co-workers and energy-sucking challenges.

Good luck folks, as you try your hand at the game. Rachel and Charlotte wish you well!

Career Chutes and Ladders

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