MCN Pro: Photogrammetry in Museums

Photogrammetry visualization of an Owl specimen


Join the MCN Digital Imaging special Interest Group (SIG) on August 22nd at 1pm EST for an update on a photogrammetry project presented at MCN 2015. Professors at the University of Minnesota and University of Wisconsin have developed software tools to enhance workflow efficiency and rendering quality of photogrammetric models created with AgiSoft PhotoScan. Photographers at the Minneapolis Institute of Art have been applying these tools to document a collection of ancient Chinese bronze vessels in preparation for a major traveling exhibition. Following brief presentations by the participants, we will discuss the process, various challenges and plans for the future. We will also be joined by Carla Schroer of Cultural Heritage Imaging.

There will be opportunity to ask questions and share ideas following the presentation.

– Professor Gary Meyer, Department of Computer Science at UMN
– Professor Seth Berrier, University of Wisconsin, Stout
– Michael, Tetzlaff, PhD candidate at UMN
– Charles Walbridge, Lead Collections Photographer, Mia
– Carla Schroer, Cultural Heritage Imaging

1. Demonstration of UMN Unstructured Light Field Viewer
2. Demonstrations of UW/Stout AgiSoft WorkFlow Tool
3. Museum Case Study in Photogrammetry: Mia Chinese Bronze Project
4. Questions and Discussion