#MuseSocial Top Picks for #MCN2020 VIRTUAL from the Social Media SIG

We’ve been hearing from what each Special Interest Group is looking forward to at #MCN2020 Virtual. This week’s preview comes from Emily Haight of the New York Historical Society and Jonathan Munar of Art21, co-chairs the Social Media SIG. Interested in registering for the conference AND joining a SIG? If you’re not a member yet, you can take advantage of our special bundled registration rate.

Greetings from the MCN Social Media SIG. As the chairs for this community of social media professionals, we are proud to bring to the broader MCN community the passion, knowledge, and expertise emerging from within our group.

The mission of the Social Media SIG is to support and nurture MCN members working with social media through the sharing of knowledge and experience. If social media is even but one of many responsibilities expected of your position—as it still is for many of us—then we encourage you to participate in our SIG.

Times like these have us constantly searching for silver linings. With extremely long work days from home and a seemingly endless stream of seed topics, social media professionals have undergone years worth of professional conditioning over the course of just six months. There are things that we learned during this time that will shape our practice for years to come.

For #MCN2020 VIRTUAL, we are thrilled to have a well-rounded program representing some of the lessons that we’ve learned this year. While we always recommend that you listen to any session given by our social media colleagues, here are a few of our recommendations.

Tool Petting Zoo: Getting Hands-on with Airtable and Other Tools for Collections, Exhibitions, Project Management, and Content Strategy, and Workflow with Andrea Ledesma, Sierra Van Ryck deGroot, Hannah Zuber, Dana Allen-Griel and Hannah Ostroff

Bright Spots: Creating Social Media Moments of Joy During a Pandemic with Emily Haight, Katharine Uhrich, Hilary Morgan-Watt, Annalisa Meyer, and Carlyn Hill. 

Open While Our Doors Are Shut: Managing Tate’s Social Media in the Face of a Global Pandemic with Sarah Osborne 

#MCN2020 VIRTUAL is just around the corner, and we hope you will be able to join us for one or all of these sessions. If you haven’t already, register today!

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