Unknown Speaker 00:49
Test. Yeah, just under three minutes. Just about a minute left. I'm just going to turn off my camera and I'll let you know when I hit record, chat with you in just a couple of
Unknown Speaker 03:24
seconds. Go ahead and start recording and admit everybody into the room, have a great Workshop. I think we've got everybody if you wanted to get started. Hello everyone,
Unknown Speaker 06:06
welcome everybody to our workshop. Building your museums, user experience capacity. My name is Craig MacDonald I'm here with my colleague, Elena the specimen
Unknown Speaker 06:17
and Lady is going to kick things off for us.
Unknown Speaker 06:25
Hello everyone. So before we begin this workshop, we like to first acknowledge the land of this graph information, where it resides and that's where we teach. So Manhattan known to the nappy people as Mannahatta, which translates in the lingo P language to Haley Island is part of the nappy hoping the homeland of the Lena peak people in Epi hoping stands and beyond what we would consider the greater New York City area, it includes New Jersey, where both Greg and I are right now, the NRP have been forced to move again and again and today there are real happy communities in Oklahoma Wisconsin and Ontario. Today we recognize the long standing significance of this land, cleanup the nation's past and present, and their sustainable practices of stability in the land of generations are commonly recognized as loss.
Unknown Speaker 07:28
Okay, so today we're going to go through what we hope is going to be a very practical applied workshop for all of you. We're gonna do some very quick introductions. We're going to talk about what exactly is UX capacity building, run through some sample UXCB, case studies, and then we're gonna have some to interactive activities for all of you to hopefully give you some exposure to some of the basic methods and basic techniques of how you can begin applying these methods to your own museum or to your own context. And then we'll have, we'll close with some q&a some questions and hopefully give you some tools to help you go back and put this back in your own use. So as Alina, acknowledged we do want to acknowledge the land of the lobby where we as private atoms are based. As I mentioned, my name is Craig MacDonald I'm an associate professor at Pratt Institute. I primarily teach in the Master of Science and Information Experience Design program, my background is primarily in human computer interaction and user experience. However, in my work. I have worked with a number of museum partners both in my teaching and my research and so I've learned quite a bit about what it's what it's like in terms of applying to the UX techniques in museum contexts. Elena, you want to quickly introduce yourself as well. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 08:56
so I'm Elena, I'm an assistant professor at Pratt, and I teach courses in the area of UX, as well as Museum, digital culture. I've been working in museums for over 30 years, first in my hometown in Madrid at the Design Museum, then update, and then at the Met. And this is my fifth year of drought, I'm merging here like my UX research knowledge with my museum
Unknown Speaker 09:24
Unknown Speaker 09:28
So lately I've worked together quite a bit over the last few years, and I think I've learned so much from her about her experience in museums, and I hope you learned a lot from me about my for my UX background as well. But this project really emerged from our art collaboration coming together and figuring out how we can work together to advance the practice of UX in museums. I also want to quickly mention that we're also part of the Center for Digital experiences this is a center that Elena and I created a few years ago. We are a faculty lead and student driven UX consultancy and also an academic research lab within the school information at Pratt, we do a lot of work, working with outside partners, many of those partners are museums, and at the end of this workshop, you're going to have a quick call for potential projects if anyone's interested in working with us and our students will talk through what those projects are and how to get involved. Before we begin, we do have a somewhat of a large crowd here so we want to just have everyone a chance to kind of quickly introduce themselves so if you could just take a second in your in the chat to just introduce yourself, your name your pronouns, what museum you're working for what organization you're working for your role, and if anyone wants to also take a take a shot at writing what UX means to you, very curious to see some of these answers so you just introduce yourself in the chat and we'll just take a minute or two to welcome everybody. What if I What does UX mean to you question to everyone for a loop.
Unknown Speaker 11:45
Marty welcome
Unknown Speaker 11:53
Ryan. You've accepted focused on audience experiences with the content straight his interactions created, or CO created to achieve is to submission and connect with community that's a really great definition. Thank you for that Ryan.
Unknown Speaker 12:11
Lauren says UX means empathy and empowering our users and visitors. Jasmine UX means providing an experience that people find valuable and rewarding, and one based in research and thoughtful design processes I'd like that definition a lot as well. David, creating digital experiences, easy for users to navigate and interact with
Unknown Speaker 12:52
Amanda UX means we care about what something feels like, not just that nothing exists, great looks, We have a lot of people with some really fascinating roles, a lot of new working in digital experience visitor experience. Some of UX backgrounds as well. This is really great so if you haven't introduced yourself yet, please do so in the chat will will definitely take a look, as we go. But I want to just get things started for us, and get to the main content of the workshop. So thank you all for sharing. I think all those definitions are they really work together, and they really fit in to kind of also emphasizes that UX can be a lot of things, a lot of different things to a lot of different people and that's really one of the challenges that he faces is making sure that when you use the term UX that people know exactly what it is that you're talking about. So that's one thing that we can, we can definitely cover and cover and hopefully unpack for this workshop. So, this workshop is all about building UX capacity, and the first question you probably comes to mind that, well, what exactly is UX capacity. And I want to ask a question, a very broad question that's what you want to think, you know, is your museum doing user experience, right now, really think about it, think about what you're visiting and does the products that you offer the services you provide the things that you do. Is your museum doing user experience. And so when you think about the answer to this question you might interpret it a couple of ways you might be thinking, do you do usability testing of your website or other digital interfaces. You may think, well do we survey our website users on a regular basis, you might be thinking, do we look at our Google Analytics and analyze some of the behavioral patterns of our website users, or you might even think. Do we have anybody who has a, has UX in their job title. All of these are perfectly valid ways to think about answers to this question, but I think we're at a point now where we're actually asking about what do you do user experience is really asking, Does your museum exists. Does it exist in today's world and if it exists, it is doing user experience. Because the truth is your museum is delivering a user experience, regardless of how much time how much energy and how many resources you're putting into shaping it. So, whether you have a person with UX on your staff or not. If you have a website, people are using it and people are having an experience with it. If you people are walking into your museum they're having an experience through that. So that experience is happening no matter what. So it's all about how do we invest the time and energy and resources into shaping that experience in a way that will be pleasing rewarding valuable some of those really great adjectives that many of you provided up front. So the answer of course is yes, you're all doing user experience and every all organizations are doing user experience in some form. Today, the question really then becomes, not whether you're doing it, but are you doing good user experience and what does it mean to do good user experience. You all had a bunch of really great definitions of user experience and I think any one of those is perfectly fine, it's actually incredibly difficult to find a common shared definition of UX that everyone can point to and say, Yes, this is one of the ones that I found to be really kind of helpful and kind of encapsulating everything that user experiences. When you think about it it's the singular and accumulated experiences that occur for users, as a consequence of them interacting with an object in a given context what I like about this is that it shows both the interaction as it happens, but also interactions over time and how they build on each other and support and inform each other. So that's really I think the essence of what we think about we think about what a user experience is
Unknown Speaker 16:50
when we think about doing user experience, the traditionally the UX discipline consists of these six broad sub disciplines so those of you who have been working in any sort of UX related role or digital roles are familiar with most of these things around user research, understanding people who use a product or service content strategy how content is created delivered or governed information architecture, the organization the labeling the navigation systems you're creating interaction design, designing the interactive behaviors and flows, visual design how things look and appear and usability testing about measuring the quality. So traditionally, we think about people who are UX people are the people who do this, but there's a real danger into defining UX so narrowly in these terms, because it ends up thinking that well the UX people are going to be the ones who are going to be bailing us out and keeping our boat from sinking, where everyone thinks well, if it's just the US people's job to make sure that we're delivering a great experience, then you know your boats going to be sinking and no one else is going to be chipping in to help out. So a better question then. Are you doing good user experience is really not. Do you have people who know that skills to do user experience but is your entire museum focused on delivering a great experience for your users or for your visitors, and that is the hardest question to answer and the vast majority of organizations will say no to this question because it's really hard to get to, but it's I think it's the central question to what we should be asking. Because the truth is that most organizations and this is true for many museums as well, but they're really not designed around user experience and support user experience, either they don't, or they can't understand exactly what UX is. Maybe they don't or they can't devote enough resources to doing it correctly, or it's some combination of both. And even in the traditional UX community which is many tech companies, even in those areas where you have a lot of investment in UX you have huge UX teams, even for people who've been doing UX in the center context, they still struggle with a lot of different aspects of how to get their work done, whether they have to spend too much time persuading people or compromising on their ideals in effective communication to try to get things done across departments, not having enough budget, not getting enough buy in from executives, not having people who are resistant or hostile toward UX and don't actually acknowledge the value of doing it. These things happen in just about every organization, and these are all aspects of what we're calling UX capacity. So we're going to try to break down what this means UX capacity because these are really the variables that will ultimately impact, whether you can provide a great experience for your visitors across the throughout your entire museum. So what exactly is UX capacity and second question is once you know what it is, how can you then build that capacity introducing it. So, this is our somewhat, I think, fairly academic definition of capacity building, but we call the intentional work to continuously create and sustain overall organizational processes that make quality UX work routine can have a wordy definition record remix, sorry about that, really this is about doing things intentionally to both create and sustain an organizational culture in which UX is a routine process, Not somebody you have to fight for or argue for or compromise a lot of your, your approach. So in this we just make a distinction between your UX capacity, and then UX capacity building. And if you think about your UX capacity, this would be your museums visible inactive UX practices the things that you're currently doing and how you do them as it comes to delivering a great user experience, and then UX capacity building are separate activities or strategies that you can use to increase your ability to undertake those practices. So you can think about UX, capacity building or UXCB is any activity that you intentionally designed to strengthen or sustain your capacity. And in our research we've created a conceptual model for how UX capacity building is designed to work and there's a three stage process here. The first stage is about the why. The second stage is about what you're doing and how you're doing it. And the third stage are the results and I'll go through each of these pieces to give you a better idea of how this is designed to work.
Unknown Speaker 21:26
So the first stage is about the conditions under which you are going to undertake UX capacity building to be successful, UX Capacity Building has to be tailored to the context in which it is being implemented. That means first understanding the needs of the organization, you can conduct a needs assessment can be formal or informal to just look around at your current practices and look for areas of improvement. You can then develop some concrete goals, what are you hoping to achieve. Are you trying to spread awareness for UX foster a deeper empathy for your users or visitors, create a consensus for what UX means across your organization, what is the goal or goals you're trying to achieve. And then of course getting the right level of buy in and support from the people who need to support it, getting buy in from senior leaders is always critical so that they give you the expertise and the resources that you may need, but you also need buy in from the people who will be involved in these initiatives to know that they are willingly engaging in this process. The second stage then are the strategies, this is the what and the house so what are you actually doing to build capacity. Well there are a number of different types of activities that you can run that are specifically designed to build UX capacity. We're going to go through these a little bit later on, but essentially there are things that you, you can actively do and implement that could push toward building new processes, increasing knowledge, or things that you can engage people with that will change their perspective and hopefully get them to adopt new practices, those things range from doing training workshops, of course, hiring new people, changing the way teams are built, simply broadcasts and more about the work that you do, we're creating guides or different tools or frameworks to help you do your work, and we'll go through this in more detail later in the workshop. When those activities comes what content you'll be focused on. So, are we, do we want to focus on just generally increasing knowledge of UX, what emphasize UX research, we're gonna focus specifically on usability, we want to focus on improving the design process. All of these things can be a factor in terms of determining what you're going to actually focus on with these different activities. Of course there's also the implementation of format and the structure, how long is it gonna take, how will you deliver that content, how will you carry out the activities, what's the timeline in the timeframe. And then they may require some resources, what's required to actually do that. So how much time is it going to take both from you or the person who's implementing it and also the people who are participating. Are you going to need any hardware, any space, any materials, is there a budget for this, you're really thinking through everything you would need to make sure that this is going to be a success.
Unknown Speaker 24:03
And then we end up with the outcomes. These are the results of your capacity building. So we see outcomes are possible at three distinct levels here. The first is at the individual level, so the individual people who are involved in, for example in taking a workshop, you might see changes to their attitudes, they might have a more positive attitude towards UX or a deeper appreciation for a UX mindset, or you might see improvements to their knowledge, skills, or behaviors, maybe you give them a new piece of knowledge, teach them a new skill, were encouraged them to adopt a different behavior. That's really where the power of UX capacity building starts in changing these individual attitudes and behaviors. You can also then see hopefully changes at the organizational level from there. Well you might adopt new UX methods, maybe it's better integrated with existing processes you may use methods more frequently or new ways to share results. Adopting better UX practices that work better for your organization, you might create a stronger UX culture throughout the organization, even where there's more value placed on you work UX work more excitement around UX, better communication between UX and non UX teams. You might also then see some non UX outcomes that are that are positive, better planning better goal setting, better data driven decisions these aren't things that are necessarily resulting from UX but can come out of creating these new processes and getting more people bought into the process. And then of course you have to consider the products or the services themselves, are you having offering new features are those performance improvements is their development time being reduced, does the market respond better to people, are they happier, Are they more pleased with your products now that there's more invested in more deliberate approach to doing UX. This is generally speaking the concept of how UXCB is designed to work, you start with understanding the why what you're doing, you then figure out what you're going to do and how you're going to do it. And after you implement you will see outcomes at the individual, organizational and product levels. But again, this is kind of an abstract model to try to understand the basic process and procedure and you want to think it's not just necessarily a linear process where you do something, you figure what you want to do do it and then measure it, but you can see it can become a cycle because when you get those new outcomes that changes the conditions for them the future capacity building effort so it really can be seen as a cycle, you can go through this process as many times as you want until you are at the point where you want to get. So next we're going to go to a couple of case studies and these are some examples that are not, they're not from the museum world. These are examples that were from published literature, so roughly not going to be getting a ton of data from these initiatives when they're at smaller companies or smaller organizations so they are very large tech companies these examples are coming from, and we only know about them because they published about them. So the first case study is coming from Yahoo. So Yahoo. This was published about five years ago, they published the paper about what they call the user first initiative at Yahoo, and this is how they framed this as a UX capacity building effort. So, in terms of the conditions. It was really based on an understanding by the UX team at Yahoo, that there was a fragmentation. Other UX efforts. And so they decided that their goal was to promote a user first mentality at all levels of the company, and they got buying and support directly from the company's CEO who at the time I believe was Marissa Meyer.
Unknown Speaker 27:37
So what did they do well they had a wide ranging approach to doing capacity building, where they implemented five different types of activities they held, They did a whole routine restructure for their UX research team. They created a company wide vision and expectations for UX research that could then be shared throughout the company. They held a series of what they call the user nights where employees, not outside the UX team were paired with users to do conversations and observations and get a sense for what users are saying they recorded and live streamed every single usability test and user research sessions where people could watch it wherever they were, and they did a bunch of different efforts around broadcasts, they did brown bag lunches, they were involved in new employee orientation they wrote internet articles they published the internal conferences, and this was all about trying to promote a greater awareness of UX research within Yahoo, which of course required a whole lot of resources tons of planning, tons of time, a whole dedicated budget they renovated their lab, they got brand new hardware and software they had enough money to pay users for attended user night so there was a lot of work that went into this. But they, they found a lot of positive outputs. So they found first that over 50% of employees at Yahoo that's across the entire company, participated in one of these activities. They saw an increased awareness of the role and the value of UX research. They were asked to do more UX research at earlier stages of the product development process. And they also saw just generally speaking just better improvements feature improvements performance improvements in usability improvements to a lot of different products at Yahoo. So that's just one example of how, you know, huge company can approach UXCB doing a lot of things all at once, just to show that there's that's one way of doing it you can implement a lot of things at the same time, you have the time and money and resources to do it. That's one way to do it. Here's another model of doing it, this is comes from Google, again, huge company tons of resources, but it's such a different approach to how Google approached it compared to. In Google's case. This is a program that called Pokerface and this was published about three years ago. So I think they're still doing this, this case, they need a Google was that Google felt that there wasn't a user centered mindset, across all of Googles product teams, so they wanted to increase user empathy, across software engineers, product managers and designers. And so they got some feedback and got some buy in from some company leaders, and some from the top level executives to endorse this project, and really helped make sure that company the other teams were going to be involved. And so rather than doing a bunch of different activities. The Pokerface program was one single workshop that they call the Pokerface, it was a training workshop followed up with active coaching and mentoring. So they taught their attendees the basics of how to do usability testing how to triangulate data, and then they coach them through creating research questions developing a script making sense of their results, and then actually have them do an actual study, and then analyze the results together as a team so it was a three hour long workshop that was structured with one hour seminar, one hour session one hour debrief and they implemented this on a global scale across all of Google. So they had to create a lot of customized resources studying scripts, whole recruitment system, promotional videos templates and forums, again a huge amount of work went into this. And they ended up doing us 1500s Googlers were involved, as of the recent most recent report on this across 10 locations over eight months. So they did this, I mean hundreds of times across their entire team. And they found that at the individual level, that it increased perceptions of the value of user research, and the use of results to improve products, they felt like they initiated a culture change with a more widespread understanding how UX research can improve the UX review and user experience, and they also observe in teams taking immediate steps to improve the UX of their session of their interfaces that they were actually evaluating along the way, just doing the usability testing. So before I hand it over to Elaine I just want to emphasize that you know these two examples are not meant to say that only huge big tech companies are capable of doing UXCB That's not the case. There are just ways to kind of say there's two different types of models you can do a whole lot of things all at once and see a lot of big changes, or you can be very focused if your effort and do it repeatedly with different audiences. That's another way of building you're building your capacity, but of course there's specific things about museums that might make doing either those models slightly challenging or implemented quite differently. So what we want to do next is, do a couple activities to engage you all with the process of doing UXCB and hopefully give you some ideas and tips for how you can bring these methods back to your museum so I'm going to turn things over to Elena.
Unknown Speaker 32:35
Okay, so we've seen the theory behind UX capacity building, you've seen a couple of case studies of how to implement those initiatives. So now we're gonna go to some practice, and think about how to develop a UXCB strategy are going to show you here the steps to develop that strategy. We will share us with our experience working with a couple of museums in our research project, we've undertaken recently. And we are also going to give you the tools and templates where you can go back to your museum, and hopefully be able to undertake these exercises and develop a strategy on your own. So, firstly in going back to the model, UXCB is contextual. So, in order to be successful. This effort should be specifically tailored to your context. So today's we're gonna follow the following steps. So step one, we're going to examine your current UX capacity to identify areas of strength, your assets and areas of need, your obstacles. The Step number two is going to be about identifying potential activities to overcome those obstacles while as well maintaining your assets. And step number three is going to be about prioritizing those activities we're going to do a brainstorming exercise that will help you to finalize and define your UXCB strategy. So, I'm going to start with step number one, examine your current US capacity. So for that, and here's the framework that we are going to be using. We have created a template so we can do a practical exercise. So here we have to think about two things like the capacity, assess the capacity to do UX, and then assess the capacity to use UX. So, in the capacity to do UX we're going to be asking questions about people like who is doing UX in your organization, the structures around this working in UX, the skills, the soft and hard skills that your, your team members have, and also what other professional growth opportunities. Your team has like attending Mtn. And then we're going to be talking and asking questions about your resources they have a set budget for UX, what is your infrastructure, the tools that you have in place for undertaking UX work. Do you have any guidelines, like developing personas or defined user journeys and so on. And then the third area within capacity to do UX we're going to be talking about practices and processes. So, they arranged as non linkages and how you plan about doing UX and also the different UX research and design methods that you have in place to do this. And then, in the capacity to use our UX we're going to be talking about organizational literacy, and we have support from your leadership to the UX is everyone on the, on the same page around it. Is your museum Research Center, and what are the communications channels that you use to communicate, for example disability findings, or the dashboard with your analytics. And also we'll talk about participation and collaboration across teams. And we think capacity to use UX, we will have also several questions about your organizational decision making. We've talked about strategic support from leadership and other managers in other teams, how you make decisions around UX and then advocacy. And finally your benefits, We've talked about you know the product quality and how to improve your processes and, as well as the outcomes in, like, end user satisfaction.
Unknown Speaker 36:41
Okay so for each of these
Unknown Speaker 36:42
areas, we're going to be talking about the, the assets the strengths and the obstacles and opportunities. So we're really asking these questions regarding assets, we talk about does your museum do well. Where are the strength, but I do already doing that can be built upon. And what support structures are already in place. When focusing on the obstacles and opportunities. We will discuss what are some of your pain points, what areas and areas to strengthen or streamlined. What are you doing that you want me to do. And also, what are you lacking support, Irvine. So, this is the description of the exercise we are going to create two breakout rooms, I will be in one of the rooms and Craig is going to be leading the other breakout room, so we're gonna work on assessing your Museum's UX capacity. We know this exercise, takes about like two hours based on an experience with other two museums. So we're going to give you like a snapshot of the process. And so, we will spend about, like, 25 minutes on it, you will have the template later on so you can do the full assessment, but I'm to teach you the structure and how to undertake this assessment we're going to focus on specific areas within the framework. So we're going to be in the strengths in green Bostick notes, I will show you the board in a second. And then the weaknesses in red Bostick notes there anything else that you want to add or comment on, we'll have some gray posted notes. So we are gonna individually, add our assessment, our like green and red bow signals, and then a subgroup. We're gonna be looking all together our similarities, differences, maybe areas where we all seem to be like stronger add, and what are the earliest that we will have a weakness, and so I'm going to now share your board, but we are going to be using. I'm going to share the link in the chat so you've got access.
Unknown Speaker 39:15
Okay, so, um,
Unknown Speaker 39:19
hopefully you're all familiar with some of these like whiteboard type of tools like Mirror Mirror jumper and others, but I'm going to give you just a quick tutorial on how to use it but it's pretty straightforward. So we're going to just use it, use cross signals for these two exercises, and so here we're gonna ask them out, you have the full framework. So you have here two areas, we just seen in the slides. People resources, practices and processes organization literacy organizational decision making, and benefits, and we're going to just focus on the first box of each of these areas. We have some Bostick notes here on the left. So we just need to copy, paste them, add them to the area, we can resize them, and then do the type here your comment. So, yeah, that's how it works, we will have about I say like, 15 minutes to do this exercise we will be taking you through, through this so don't worry about that. And when we will recap all as a group.
Unknown Speaker 40:28
I haven't forgotten
Unknown Speaker 40:29
anything right Greg, making sure.
Unknown Speaker 40:33
Nope Ross it. I guess I don't have any questions before we begin before we break out. All right so, Carolyn I think we're ready to open up the breakout room.
Unknown Speaker 41:22
All right, thank you, I think, yeah, everyone is here.
Unknown Speaker 41:27
Let me share my screen. So we know,
Unknown Speaker 41:39
time was very limited for this exercise but hopefully you were able to understand the structure of this template, and how to go and respond to each of the questions in the box so you can have a full assessment of your UX capacity, we wanted to do a quick recap about this exercise. So anyone please feel free to unmute yourself and respond to any of these questions. What do you think about this framework, would you see yourself doing this assessment on your own. And we talk in our group we talk about some of the similarities and differences between museums, and, yeah, if you have any questions about the framework, feel free to
Unknown Speaker 42:19
ask them now.
Unknown Speaker 42:34
Got a question. So, I really like this framework, I'm more curious about, you know, identifying who all needs to be in a room to do this assessment, you know, it's always get a mix of like you know like our digital team and our leadership rep but getting that additional buy in across the leadership board would be really helpful but how. Yeah, how do we approach that, Essentially,
Unknown Speaker 42:59
that's a very good question. We actually have done this assessment with two museums, and we had this same question when we ran for our workshops. So our advice will be as many people as possible in the sense of getting that buy in, that you were talking about, because it is important tool for them to understand the whole process and just get at the end and say, Hey, here's a strategy that's implemented. If you make them part of this process, they will get more wind so at least we will say that people, and are are involved with any UX related job digital job visitor experience job. That will be the minimum of people like and roles involved in this assessment. Some comments as well, in the chat during break. You see, this could definitely be using the jersey, using this attorney Sam. Ryan, thanks for that as well.
Unknown Speaker 44:07
Any other comments.
Unknown Speaker 44:14
I have one more so just like a curiosity a. Have you seen any difference in me output of, you know of these types of workshops, doing them in person versus remotely now that we've kind of all moved towards either a remote or a hybrid work model,
Unknown Speaker 44:34
we've done the assessment of the fend remotely but Greg, do you have more experience to win this for other type of organizations in person. Yeah, I actually
Unknown Speaker 44:46
think we actually this, we haven't done the like the mirror board version of the workshop, yet. That was a method that we piloted with like within our research team. So I actually think because of the way mirror works and how powerful it is that it would actually be a really effective method to use to do it as a team, if you're doing it remotely. For the in person interviews, it was really just a, just a conversation that we had just kind of went through asked each question and there's just like a conversation verbally so that there was more of a burden, I guess, that we had to analyze it, think about it and then kind of produce a report or something that came out of it so that's like the conversation was a little bit more natural. But it didn't lead to a direct output or outcome. So there's little bit extra work there. So I think doing it virtually does actually have a lot of benefits that people are comfortable and familiar with a tool like Miro it actually does work pretty well. Great,
Unknown Speaker 45:42
thanks for those questions and feedback, we're glad to see that you see yourself implementing this in the future. So we're going to move to this next activity, which is about identifying those UX capacity building activities. So, here you have to identify those activities that will utilize your strengths, your assets, and also address your obstacles or areas of needs. So, consider the needs you're trying to address, which aspects of your UX capacity needs to be improved, and how you can utilize your strengths, and then also identify some goals and we went to so in the model, what are you hoping to achieve with UX capacity building, and whether those goals are individual or an organization. Organizational level, or maybe both. So there are different types of UXCB activities here you have in this slide like seven categories. So it could be about, you know, doing training workshops about you know fundamentals of UX or how to do very lightweight, user testing. It could be about technical assistant to offer maybe some specific coaching or mentoring, staff members, maybe you want to hire, we talk about in a group like a specific person about person that has UX in the job description or title. And you can think about activities around, team building structure and structuring, and then you can also organize events that will be like excitement about in UX, all that type of activities include like broadcasting I'm thinking about your internal communication channels and how to use them to share success stories regarding UX. And also, maybe it's about you know creating different resources to standardize and streamline that UX work.
Unknown Speaker 47:39
Unknown Speaker 47:42
activities gonna be based on this assessment so we're gonna think about okay, if you were to organize different UX capacity building activities for this museum, or what do you do so this is the final part is a modified a simplified version of the assessment that we did for our design museum. So I'm going to very quickly go through it, and then we'll go back to the mirror board. So you have here, what we discuss then areas of the assets a Strengths obstacles and opportunities for different areas of the framework. So in this case I'm going to highlight a few things but you will have them, the table later in the mirror board for reference. So for this new CEO, they recently hired chief experience officer, and they have created a digital experiences lab which is very exciting. However, they don't have a specific like UX role and it's everyone's like well to do some kind of UX, and they have some style guidelines but they don't have design defined personas are journey maps with standard metrics to evaluate projects in terms of practices and processes is pretty distributed which is good, everyone is doing UX, they have analytics in place. However, UX work is not planned or organized, and in many times It's project based. When we go to organizational literacy. This museum high for, especially the chief experience officer socializing UX was a top priority and they are working on a visitor experiences strategy. However, other leaders in other departments don't really understand the value of UX and actually this came up in our group about that super firm, or their leaders, and there are a lot of assumptions, maybe in one meeting and hear about, you know, are you says we'll do that or I'm sure they, they're gonna like this feature, or, you know, you assume their needs and expectations for this museum in terms of organizational decision making. The web has no clear owner, and sometimes decisions are not based on insights. And in terms of benefits. Overall, visitors are satisfied that UX work is constrained constrained by legacy system, so they don't reuse their UX materials and processes project after project. So this is the scenario you have to work on. So how would you improve the UX capacity of this museum. So we're going to go back to the mirror bar,
Unknown Speaker 50:09
and here. Now you
Unknown Speaker 50:16
have this area of them area to work with you have the table, and we just saw in this slide, and also you have the different type of activities here. So again, just brainstorm brainstorm for five minutes, which activities, you know you will like to do. What will you recommend for this museum, so they can improve their UX capacity, and then we're gonna do like five minutes to maybe, or maybe three minutes to recap so recording we will be in the breakout rooms for about eight minutes, we'll have time to do some conclusions of this workshop. Any questions before we go into this Is everything clear. Just post it notes, the different type of activities,
Unknown Speaker 51:05
questions before we move to this.
Unknown Speaker 51:09
Okay, so currently in saying breakout rooms, eight minutes, And we can get started. Thank you. All right,
Unknown Speaker 59:51
I think everyone is here. So thank you again, um, hopefully this exercise, have you to see the next step so we did first the assessment, and you've seen in this like little table this example of, You know how you translate that assessment into a recap of that, and then how you start brainstorming activities that will help you to increase the UX capacity. So, next step will be about prioritizing those activities so I now want to hand over to put that out of the workshop.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:44
Greg you're muted I think you're muted.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:48
Total Zoom rookie mistake. Okay, so the next step would be to take all those great ideas that you've brainstormed and work together to figure out okay what are these things are we actually going to do, you know you're going to have a ton of ideas there so you want to really think through with the team with the people who will be involved. What, what are the ones that are going to be the most important, the most impactful or the easiest ones to implement you can think about okay which ones would take the most time, which one would take the most the most resources. If you only have room for one activity that is totally fine if you want to do one thing that's fine just pick the one that you think is going to be the most successful. You can also think about sequencing. Sequencing your activity so each activity can build on what came before and then shape what comes next. So if you think or what we really want to do is hire a UX specialist, but there's no way that the leadership is going to go for that right now. You could say well maybe first we build excitement with an event, then we do some broadcasting and then we get people excited and then by hopefully by that point the leadership are asking, Hey, why don't we have somebody who's dedicated and doing this, and then you get the buy in for doing a UX hire. There may not be an obvious best activity to implement first, you might just pick one, see how it goes, and then try another one. The whole point of this is to just, it's a process of learning and a process of evaluating, and that will help you form your strategy of okay, what exactly are our goals, what do I want to achieve, which activities are we going to use what content is our focus, how to implement what resources etc and that gives you a nice set of like a plan that you can actually implement. So in this case, for this museum that we worked with, we, you can see here these are the ideas that we propose to them based on our analysis, and we had this team engaged in this exercise where they placed these sticky notes on this action priority matrix of effort higher low and impact higher low, we were kind of surprised that actually at worst they ended up placing some of these, and then we had them do a voting exercise where each member of the team had to vote on. I think we gave them six votes each nega distributed however they want just to get a sense for where everyone's priorities were. So the ones with the threes on it were the ones that were the most interested by all the people on the team, those are the ones that we focused on for our strategy. And so our ultimate strategy we call this a game plan with this museum. Our three goals, we're about leveling up their UX skills, they didn't have anybody dedicated to do X and had no training to assist them with targeted UX coaching and support to kind of walk them through a project, and then to showcase and really start getting that excitement up by telling compelling stories about UX work and make sure that the museum is really excited and interested in the work that they're all doing. So we had a UX bootcamp workshop at the beginning, we de UX coaching that was tied to a certain project that we're working on, and then at the end of that we planned to do a workshop on how to communicate and sell and tell stories about a UX project that's a success, to have and say, hey, That's really fun, we want to do that to. Truth is, hope the takeaway from this is that, you know this isn't necessarily the secret magic formula for how to build your UX capacity every organization, every museum is going to be different and what works in UXCB for one museum may not work for another museum. Our hope is that this process just offers you a path forward. But we also know that there may just be other ways to do this that we didn't cover here, there may be smaller things or shorter things or less formal weights like maybe it's just like, I'm going to treat my one of my development staff members to a coffee and just have a conversation. And maybe that's enough to kind of spark way to spark a discussion and have a more productive collaboration with them. So, there are other ways you can think about a building capacity that may be a better fit for museum. The key is really this is about being purposeful about knowing the strengths and the weaknesses of your organization. and then thinking of ways that you can make meaningful changes, even if those changes may be small at first, and then you build that momentum over time. And just to you, gets away from the you know seeing any kind of barriers as being insurmountable but okay let's say this is a barrier, let's try to figure out a way that we can solve it. If that doesn't work. Let's try a different way to solve it, and hopefully that will give you the process or at least a mindset that you can follow. So we will share with you a blank version of our Miro template that lays out the entire framework for this that you can take a copy of it and you can use in your own museums. We also were happy to share with you this link to our page on our DX Center website that goes into more detail about UX Capacity Building has links to some of the published research that we've done that reports and describe some of these methods, and we can provide any additional insights to you as well if you have any further questions.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:29
As I said at the beginning, we are also looking for client partners for fall 2021, particularly in the areas of usability evaluation and digital analytics so if your museum or a museum that you know of would be really interested in working with our students, either in our students doing a usability test or in doing a digital analytics project for your museum, please get in touch with us or you can go to our website Pratt There's a project proposal form that you can fill out that will go directly to us and then we can find a way to make the best fit for you. If you have other ideas for projects like a design project or a content strategy project or even digital strategy project, we may have openings for next semester in the spring so you can think about that over the next few months, and fill out a proposal there as well. And you can always reach out to us if you have any questions. Finally, this is all part of the research project that Leo and I have been working on for the last six to eight months or so, our long term goal is actually to create what we're calling the UXCB playbook for museums. We're hoping this will eventually be a website that has a searchable and browsable collection of various UXCB strategies, tailored specifically for the museum world would include descriptions of specific capacity building activities with step by step instructions resources examples, case studies and templates of things that you've actually tried and will actually show are successful. We're in the process of exploring grant funding for the project and we are looking for potential collaborators, so if you or your resume would be interested in working with us on this project, Please let us know. We're considering options from like the Knight Foundation IMLS the NIH HRC, and we're open to other possibilities as well but this is something that you're interested in learning more about or participating in, please get in touch with one or both of us and we're happy to talk over with you and come up with a strategy. So we have a couple of minutes left, but we wanted to say, you know, good luck we hope that you all are got something to take away from this workshop you can bring back to your museums. If you get stuck with anything or have questions that anything do, please reach out to one or both of us, we're happy to answer any questions or provide any, any direction. And now we have a couple minutes left so we're happy to open this up to any questions that anybody may have. And I'll stop the share so we can all see each other.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:56
If you put the link to the submission form for projects. Yes, absolutely no it's on the site and on the
Unknown Speaker 1:08:10
website you will find us well i case studies from previous semester so if you're unsure about this trade entail you have some examples of some of this work.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:38
So, Brian asked Is there a chicken and egg problem getting organizations to assess UX before they value us. Yeah, that's always gonna be a challenge, you know, how do you assess the UX of the organization that doesn't know anything about it. To be honest, we haven't come across that situation just yet. We've been fortunate enough that the people that we've worked with, started off with at least an interest in participating in our, in our work and our research, which meant that they already had kind of a baseline understanding and desire to improve. So we, I can't say for sure that a museum that has no interest in UX would benefit from this, but I'm curious about what, how they would react to this or if there's a way that you can use this as like a starting point to get them interested. And that's something that we also want to include in the playbook is sort of a primer on you know why should you care about UX like what is the benefit, what is the value. And what are you missing out if you're not doing UX so maybe something like that would be the first place to start for. If you're not worried if they're there don't value it just yet. Okay, so we're in the last minute here, So I want to thank you all for attending today. Hopefully you all enjoyed the session and got a lot out of it. Again, best of luck in bringing this back to your museums to your organizations. We hope you have success in applying this and please do feel free to reach out to both of us, you know this width is in progress research projects still, So we really want to know from you if you tried this out if it worked, it didn't work, and we were happy to work with you to tweak it to modify it, improve it. I mean, this is this is really an in progress work that we really want to make sure it's valuable and useful for for museums of all kinds and all sizes so please do keep in touch if you end up using any of this and let us know how it goes.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:39
Thanks so much for Thank
Unknown Speaker 1:10:41
you. Thank.