Meet the Social Media SIG

Greetings from the Social Media SIG. If you’ve ever engaged with a cultural institution on social media, then it’s highly likely that you have encountered the work of our SIG members. We are a group of museum professionals—representing areas such as marketing, communications, and education—who use social media as way to communicate, educate, and engage audiences on behalf of our institutions. Our group acts as a forum for sharing ideas, knowledge, strategies, and experiences in an effort to maximize the impact of our work.

So, what have been up to of late?

For starters, we’ve been making progress on producing a Social Media Handbook. This is a resource of social media guidelines and best practices that we, as a community of expert practitioners, will create and maintain for the benefit of the broader MCN community. Our goal is to have a version available to share publicly in time for the upcoming annual conference. Special shout out to Katharine Uhrich at the Field Museum who has been helping us lead the effort in producing this resource.

Finally, we encourage everyone to join us for our next monthly call on June 13. The topic will be about cross-institutional collaborations across social. We will be joined by a group from the National Archives who will set the stage for the conversation by first speaking about their Archives Hashtag Party campaign. If you were at Museums at the Web this past spring, you may have caught their lightning talk on the subject. This is certain be a lively conversation, so don’t miss out.

Not yet a member of the Social Media SIG? Sign up today!

Alexis Light
Alexis Light, Chair

Jonathan Munar headshot

Jonathan Munar, Co-Chair

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