Conference as Publishing, or Expanding a Digital Arts Journalism Conference Online

Conference as Publishing, or Expanding a Digital Arts Journalism Conference Online Emmet Byrne & Paul Schmelzer In planning a gathering explicitly about the Internet, we've been grappling with a question: how can we prize our audiences—both onsite and online—so that we create both a dynamic, engaging, and important conference and a robust, accessible, ongoing discussion for audiences online? In short, how can Superscript transcend its “conferenceness” to become something more? And what if we conceive that "more" as part of a broader publishing endeavor? 9:15am • Making Hidden Collections Visible: Artists’ Books Canada Nicole Lovenjak While this case study focuses on a digital tool for artists’ books, this strategy can be used for many types of collections. I will explain the motivations of creating this resource, the goals of the project, and my progress to date. I hope to share my experiences and challenges of creating this type of interactive research tool with the intent of stimulating discussions on outreach strategies for special collections. 9:30am • The Death of the Enhanced Publication Has Been Exaggerated Robert Weisberg The two project leads will present the enhanced digital Bulletin as the visible tip of a framework of connection and partnership spanning the museum and its wide-ranging visitorship and membership as well as a gateway to link the print and digital products that our audiences want. 9:45am • Transforming Curriculum: Building a Digital Textbook Shana Crosson This Case Study presentation will walk through the factors that went into the platform decision and demonstrate key features that significantly enhance the content that are possible only in a digital space. We will also discuss ongoing evaluation, technical issues, content updates and teacher support. Saturday November 7, 2015 Harriet MCN 2015 Minneapolis, MN MCN 2015 Media Sponsor: MCN 2015 Lead Conference Sponsor: