Educator or Edupunk? Shifting Roles for Museum Educators Embracing Disruptive Technologies

This session identifies disruptive technologies in technology-based, experimental museum spaces as an evolved practice in museum education. The goal of this panel is to address ways to proactively identify and serve new audiences, and underlines how museum education departments are well-positioned to lead a radical charge for technology-based, informal learning, both online and offline. Resisting non-productive or alarmist charges against the backdrop of the national education system in crisis, three museum-based case studies from the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and two others will demonstrate how radical practice within museum education are provoking revised terms for defining outreach, community, and audience through disruptive technologies. Panelists: - Sarah Kennedy, Associate Educator, Lab Programs (MoMA) - Ryan Hill, Director of Digital Learning Programs, ARTLAB+, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden - Sandra Jackson-DuMont, Kayla Skinner Deputy Director for Education + Public Programs/Adjunct Curator (SAM) Session Chair/Moderator: Rosanna Flouty, Director of Education, Art21 Presented Thursday, Nov 8, 2012 at the Museum Computer Network Conference in Seattle, WA.