Piotr Adamczyk, Richard Millet. Chad Nelson, Kate Blanch, Neal Johnson and Shane Richey. CollectionSpace was designed from the outset to be connected with other open-source tools and efforts such as digital asset management and preservation systems, federated search harvesters, linked open data repositories, and virtual shared collections. The American Art Collaborative (AAC) was established to pursue the potential of Linked Data to solve critical aspects of this connection challenge. Through the commitment of the project’s fourteen partner institutions, AAC is navigating the challenges of leveraging newly maturing technologies, standards, and tools while working at the appropriate level of scale for both institutions and information resources. Thursday November 5, 2015 2:30pm - 3:30pm Minnetonka MCN 2015 Media Sponsor: http://www.intervision.com/ MCN 2015 Lead Conference Sponsor: http://www.piction.com/