MCN2013: Hey, I Know You! New Frontiers in Interactivity Time Thursday 21st November 1:30pm to 3:00pm Place Soprano B, Hyatt Regency Montreal Research Understandings of Multi-Touch and Gestural Technology Kate Haley Goldman @KateHG4 Principal, Audience Viewpoints This presentation will focus on Open Exhibits Research. We will have completed a whole set of research into visitor use of multi-touch tables, the novelty effect, and how these devices support social interaction (or don't), as well as a comparison to interaction with wall-based rather than table-based multi-touch. We'll also have data on accessibility issues based on testing with blind and limited-mobility visitors. How Digital Can Amplify the Audience's Voice in Official Museum Output Keir Winesmith @drkeir Head of Web and Digital Platforms, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Every exhibition in every museum is rich with the untold stories of its audience. Digital platforms offer new opportunities for us to present the voices of the audience in publications, social media, and museum websites, as well as inside the museum itself. Looking at two recent projects--Anish Kapoor in MCA Publications and #MCANow--which were launched during Anish Kapoor's solo show at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney, I will discuss our approach to, and the potential ramifications of, these technologies in displaying, mediating, and interpreting audience stories. The exhibition offered an ideal context for these experiments, as the visceral perceptual effect of Kapoor's work on the audience poses a challenge for any traditional publication about his art. Rethinking Interactive Development--New Opportunities, Trends, and Tools Marc Check @museumtechguy Diretcor of Information and InteractiveTechnology, Museum of Science The Interactive Technology Team at the Museum of Science, Boston has grown significantly over the past three years--not only in its size, but also in its diversity of technology and tools. This session will focus on how our team has been rethinking what interactive technology means as we move into a more digital and personalized world with more distributed and mobile technologies. We will explore the development and evaluation of digital exhibit experiences, and provide a blueprint of tools and methods that can be employed by other museums and developers. Topics will include development of the Hall of Human Life, capturing, aggregating, and visualizing large data sets via biometric devices for visitor data exploration; development of _ The Science of Pixar, _ and the challenge of developing digital interactives in a 3D modeling environment customized for ease of use by the visitor and flexible programming by developers; development and implementation of augmented reality applications around dinosaur exhibits; creating Museum Media for Everyone, developing accessible digital exhibits using emerging technologies for different modes of interaction (sonification, haptic, etc); and connecting indoor location-based services to mobile devices with ease and affordability.