Join Nik Honeysett, Ignite MC extraordinaire, to kick off this year's conference in style with MCN's signature event Ignite MCN! Expect a night of fun, thought-provoking and inspiring #musetech talks. The talks follow the “Ignite” format, in which presenters have five minutes and 20 slides (which advance automatically every 15 seconds) to enlighten, entertain, and inspire. Brought to you by Axiell. Maria Wasing and Samantha Diamond of Axiell will welcome everyone. "Welcome to My 2D World" by Sandy Goldberg "Communities of Imagination & Learning" by Michael Riordan "Your Data Are Probably Racist" by Yvonne Lee & Meredith Steinfels "Audience Engagement Is Your Goal, Not Theirs" by Kyle Bowen “Future Wisdom Via Metadata” by Virginia Poundstone & Garrett Graddy-Lovelace "Craft, Work, & Kraftwerk" by Tim Boutelle “They Will Save Us If We Let Them” by Jeremy Munro