Introduction to R (MCN Pro)

This session is for people with little or no R experience. It will provide a brief history and introduction to the R programming language and RStudio integrated development environment. We will also review resources that will help attendees get started with R and some examples of how R is used in museums. Beth Bollwerk is a Senior Archaeological Analyst with the Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery (DAACS, a web-based initiative, based at Thomas Jefferson's Monticello, designed to foster inter-site, comparative archaeological research on slavery throughout the Chesapeake, the Carolinas, and the Caribbean. In this role she is part of a team that manages a relational database of over 2 million archaeological artifacts from 80 sites of slavery and supports scholarly research and engagement with archive data through a variety of initiatives, from teaching R and PostgreSQL to training and fellowships. She has been an R useR since 2012. Her R work has primarily focused on the analysis of archaeological materials but also includes projects focused on web analytics and public engagement: This session was organized by the SIG Data & Insights.