LAM Interoperability

Data interoperability between libraries, archives and museums (LAMs) has been a challenging and frustrating task so far. Today, however, there are new solutions that can help us achieve this goal. This forum proposes to look anew at data interoperability between LAMs by considering several different ways to support semantic integration as well as easy reuse of digital content. The RDF data format ( and related query language (; protocols for interoperable repositories such as the International Image Interoperability Framework (; and shared vocabularies such as the Getty Vocabularies ( or the Library of Congress Subject Headings ( are some of the many instruments available to cultural institutions to face the interoperability challenge today, along with the increasing adoption of open access policies. Following a session presented at MCN 2015 (, where points of contact and divergences between cultural heritage institutions were discussed, some of the people involved in that session formed a group using the MCN listserv to share ideas, concerns, interests and expectations regarding interoperability within and between cultural institutions. The group wants to be an open forum to discuss how LAMs can learn from each other, and work with each other, to make their data more useful on the Web across institutions. In addition, one of the goals is to create a group of interoperability champions in the cultural heritage sector who will drive conversation around the topic and usher in a new paradigm shift for the benefit of LAMs and their users. This forum would help form the new MCN Interoperability SIG before the Board votes on it. Speaker(s) Session Leader : Emmanuelle Delmas-Glass, Collections Data Manager, Yale Center for British Art MCN 2016 Presenting Sponsor: Piction New Orleans, LA