Digital Presence and Personal (or Organizational) Digital Strategy (Workshop 3)

We are often introduced to new platforms that we adopt without thinking much about how we operate in the digital sphere and whether or not we wish to change our behavior in one way or another. It may be difficult to understand the big picture of our digital presence, hard to keep track of just how invested we are in digital platforms.  Even if we understand our digital presence, we may wish to engage certain audiences in one way or another but not know where to start, or how to plan effectively for that engagement.  In this workshop, we will explore David O. White's Visitor and Resident Model for digital presence, and will explore Jasper Visser and Jim Richardson's Digital Engagement Framework, both as a means for being thoughtful about one's own digital presence, and for building a strategy around one's digital engagement. Track:Workshop


Unknown Speaker 01:08
Test Hey, Max. Oh, you're muted. You did? Yeah. Good morning. How are you?

Unknown Speaker 05:08
Good. How are you today?

Unknown Speaker 05:10
Good. All right. Just happy with the launch, right?

Unknown Speaker 05:14
Yeah, everything went well, yesterday, I thought it was really well received. And by that keynote was fantastic.

Unknown Speaker 05:20
Yeah, yeah, I was very, very pleased with that. That turned out because it was hustle plasmin Yeah, I was gonna say that was really close to the end is we're trying to organize it so that like the first you know, it would be somebody who was like, outside the sector, right? And then I just like I was going through the list of people, and for one reason or another, they couldn't do it. They wouldn't get back to me, etc, etc, right? And so I was trying to place her at the end. And then I was like, well, she can't now she got to the end. So how about we forgetting? And then I'll find somebody who's outside the sector for the end. Okay. All right. So it's like, Alright, well, you have time. And I was happier with it just because, you know, we're all making these land acknowledgments. And so it's like, why don't we just put our foot forward in terms of what we're doing for indigenous places, people?

Unknown Speaker 06:21
It's really interesting. She's got a great story to tell. So

Unknown Speaker 06:24
yeah, yeah, absolutely. So I was I was pleased.

Unknown Speaker 06:30
So did you see for today, you have as of right now, 10 people? 10 people? Yeah. I can't see who they all are. Because not everybody is public.

Unknown Speaker 06:39
I can see them by go into

Unknown Speaker 06:43
when you log into skin.

Unknown Speaker 06:44
Yeah, if you log into skin, I can I can see everybody. Okay. So a couple people I saw I mean, Mitch Savas, you know, obvious but everybody else I sort of though. Sure. Yeah. People that I don't know, but which is great, because then they don't they don't know me. They don't know this work them. Right. Hopefully it can be helpful.

Unknown Speaker 07:09
Okay, well, what I'm going to do, I'm going to obviously launch the I pause the the live transcription. We're captioning right now. But I pause the live transcript transactions on the transcription. Wow. And so we start and I'll hit the record button as well. Are you doing any you're not doing any breakout rooms or anything right with 10 people not for

Unknown Speaker 07:29

Unknown Speaker 07:30
So I'll be here the whole time. I'm gonna just do other like work while I'm here. So but I've got an ear out. So if anything happens, just be like Carolyn

Unknown Speaker 07:41
should be fine. But yeah, let you know.

Unknown Speaker 07:43
I think it will be. Did you want to test any controls? I Oh, let me make you a co host now just so you have all

Unknown Speaker 07:53
the rest of the stuff. Good? Yep. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 07:56
And don't worry about admitting people. I'll take care of that. Don't Don't get distracted by that. It's not. Okay. Monitor.

Unknown Speaker 08:03
Sure. Make him set up the screen share.

Unknown Speaker 08:09
Let's see. That's all that

Unknown Speaker 08:10
is. Okay. You get major kudos for being on brand when you had your background on I was like, Yay. Today, but for yesterday, that was great.

Unknown Speaker 08:31
Yeah, I used it. And then I was I got to the, to the session, the CO chairs AMA I was like no more. Right? Right. Cuz I can move around a little bit. And then it kept coming off my face. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 08:47
That was perfect for the keynotes. Sure, yeah. You have any audio or anything in here that

Unknown Speaker 08:52
needs no, right now it's really just straightforward. It's like I sent emails to them to say go ahead and download these things and print them out so that they have stuff that they can work with. And then I'm just leading them through them doing things. So that's great. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 09:13
sorry Eric is shouting me and making me crazy?

Unknown Speaker 09:15
You know what, I'm gonna stop the show and see if I can run some the different screen because I'm like, I've got that camera on and up this. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 09:22
Yeah. No, I'm familiar with that. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 09:27
I think it might it might be a little. A little easier. Oh, wait, no, no, it's okay. And then the search screen is one way to stop that. Okay. Now,

Unknown Speaker 10:01
I see all of your you shared the desktop instead of a application. Is that what you wanted to do?

Unknown Speaker 10:07
Yeah. Let's see if I do not that. Not sure. Yeah. How is this? Do you see the slides? Or do you see my desktop? Now? I see the slides. It's great. Okay, great. Great, great. Great. All right. Yeah, that's better. The slides there and people here. Perfect. All right. This is a little your screen sharing thing on the slides.

Unknown Speaker 11:11
Not anymore. Now, I think if you mouse over it, maybe I saw that at one point, but I don't see it now. But then not even know. It was just in the beginning, I guess. Okay. Good. Okay. So the link should have just gone out a couple minutes ago. Okay. So we should start to see people coming into the waiting room. But 90 minutes. I'm sure everybody's filling their coffee.

Unknown Speaker 11:43
Yeah, for sure. queue needed to

Unknown Speaker 11:48
get some water or anything. Are

Unknown Speaker 11:49
you all set? I'm okay. Okay. Because right after this, I have this and then I've got 10 minutes, and then I have to teach my class. I was thinking you

Unknown Speaker 11:57
had a class around this time of day. Yeah. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 12:00
So I'm not like off of Zoom until two after this.

Unknown Speaker 12:04
I love those. Zoom marathon. Yeah. You really don't love the Zoom marathon?

Unknown Speaker 12:13
Nobody does. Yeah. Yep. That should be fine. I did this are sort of like this. I'm doing a little bit differently for this one, but I did it for us web last year. Okay. So and I think I have a little bit more time. So and I didn't take up all the time for that. But it was, but we messed up like last time, but this was like, okay, that's like goes out.

Unknown Speaker 12:42
I think then to Phil.

Unknown Speaker 12:44
Yeah. It really is like, in that session, because it's like, Okay, well, we have like 10 minutes. We go down here the questions.

Unknown Speaker 12:56
Have that an April? Right. That's a spring? Yeah. Yes, typically an APR. And are they live or virtual this year? Do you know,

Unknown Speaker 13:05
I plan to do? I haven't heard anything I was I checked a couple of weeks ago or so. Especially since like usually the CFP is like forever.

Unknown Speaker 13:18
Right? I feel like it's always around the time of emceeing. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 13:24
Yeah, so I have no idea what's happening. It's been like an ask because I work for somebody at MSU, who's usually on the program committee. Yeah. So to ask, ask my team, see which good, nice,

Unknown Speaker 13:38
they will say the same format as I'm seeing and that they have volunteers doing the lion's share of the work.

Unknown Speaker 13:44
You know, it's a little bit different. Because it seems like the people who are responsible for running it sort of take on a little bit more responsibility. Whereas I think this this is much more volunteer based. And in that respect, there's more of a community involvement, sharing them seeing I mean, they do have a program committee that is of the people who go but i don't i don't see like there's not the active like open call for rounding like there is for MC n and and the people who go are very similar, you know, something like I've gone to both for years, you know, and yeah, that but the, the sort of the, the format's a little bit different insofar as it's like papers, right? But they then put online which I mean that we're getting to that with the new ink thing, but the, it's been that for a while, and then like, no Ignite things, but they do lightning talks, right? Well, seven minute lightning talk sessions. So there's that kind of thing and yeah, and then otherwise, it's very similar. Usually they have like, when we go in person, there's some sort of like Part thing that they have. Right, right.

Unknown Speaker 15:04
But they have the Grammys, right?

Unknown Speaker 15:07
Yeah, they were doing the Grammys.

Unknown Speaker 15:11
Oh, this is weird. My AI bot is just popping up in the chat. How do I make that go? I mean, I've gone on if I need to keep the button here. That's weird.

Unknown Speaker 15:45
I think I should keep it a little weird. I'm gonna rename it, it's not my bot. Okay. Got to turn the bot off. All right, I can do that. I'm afraid to remove it from the meeting. I'm afraid with three minutes to go. We'll just keep it. Sure. Max, I am going to turn on the live streaming again. So at this point forward, whatever you say will be transcribed. Okay. And it looks like it's getting ready to start there. Okay, looks like we are back on. Great.

Unknown Speaker 17:23
Max. I'm just gonna wait until 11 and then I'll admit everybody from the waiting room. So we have just under two minutes, I'm gonna turn off my camera, but I'm still here.

Unknown Speaker 18:28
Just about

Unknown Speaker 18:29
a minute. It sounds like there's been some event bright thinking issues. So we might have some people joining a little bit late in case the like went a different way. Right. All right. We're going to go live. I'm going to start recording. Some men admit everybody. Hello. Good morning, good evening, as a kiss

Unknown Speaker 20:02
Okay, everybody, I'm just gonna start getting getting moving here, just because we have been many minutes. And while they get here, my name is Max Evjen. I am faculty at Michigan State University, the Department of Theatre, where I have been teaching site specific performance. And I've also been teaching the arts CULTURAL MANAGEMENT in Museum Studies program. And then that's half my job. And the other half my job is I am digital humanities coordinator in the digital humanities program at MSU. And

Unknown Speaker 20:33

Unknown Speaker 20:34
was formerly, that part of my appointment was at the Michigan State University Museum where I was performance digital engagement specialist. So I have been working with people in a variety of things. Going through what we're going through today in terms of digital presence, looking at where you are individually, and really taking stock of that, and where you want to be, and then figuring out what to do, how to get to where you want to be. So yeah, if so, you Okay, so we'll just, we'll get started. Oh, yeah. Okay, so my, my contact information, as you can see, and I'll have it on, I have my at least my Twitter handle on all the slides, is Kansas nine, four. If you want to email me, you have any further questions like the email that Evjen d A v, because my first name is actually David, but everybody calls me [email protected]. So while there's still a bunch of people coming in, so just one moment, and then we'll, we'll get things moving. Welcome, everybody. see some familiar faces and some familiar names. Welcome, everybody. All right. Okay, so we're just gonna get moving. Again, for those who just came in, just now, my name is Max Evjen. I am faculty at Michigan State University, back in theater there where I teach site specific performance. And I also teach in the arts, CULTURAL MANAGEMENT and Museum Studies program. And that's half my job. The other half my job is that I am digital humanities coordinator in the digital humanities program. And that half of my job was previously at the MSU Museum, which is the science and culture museum as performance digital engagement specialist. Okay, so Oh, I see us pursuing museums that are saying, server issue might be totally fine, we can catch you up. But if you have any questions, or if you're, if you get confident that certain time, I can follow up, you know, either in the session or later, so I'm not a big deal. Okay, so today, I just want to know, I sent an email earlier, saying if you in advance of this, if you please go to the digital engagement framework Comm. If you haven't had a chance to do that, you can maybe do that. Now, I will put that in the chat. Because you need to download some materials that we'll talk about just a minute. And then we're going to go in and look at David O. White's digital presence model is his visitor and resident model. And you're going to create your own visitor or resident map in three minutes, whoo. It's a fun exercise to do. But it really gets you understanding like, Okay, this is this is where I really am digitally, because we don't really think about that a lot. So we'll go through that, then we're gonna take a short break, and then we'll come back and we will look at Jasper and Richardson's digital engagement framework. And we're gonna do everybody's gonna fill out their own framework, a little bit, right, this there'll be more to add later. But just to get you started into looking at now you know, what your digital presence is, let's talk about where you want to be and how you're going to get there. That all makes sense. Oh my gosh, I totally digital engagement framework. That's, that's what it's like not digital framework. Apologies. So that the stuff that I said in an email when you go to the digital engagement framework site, you can download materials from there that I will you should be print out a digital engagement framework, which is just the filled in framework that shows all the areas fill out one blank digital engagement framework, because they have those available as well. And then download and print out at least three of the engagement phases worksheet. So we have a little bit of time between now and when we're going to start that if you haven't done that already. Just go to the site and get that stuff and If you have some blank paper and a pen, that would be very helpful. Does everybody have all that information already? Does anybody need to go and get that information?

Unknown Speaker 25:20
So we're on what's the distinction between the digital engagement framework and the blank digital engagement framework? So during one

Unknown Speaker 25:25
one has all been like that it says, like assets and it lists like what's in that area? Okay, blank wants those assets, but there's nothing in it. That makes sense. Gotcha. Great. Now, wonderful, okay, and we'll, we'll get started with the rest of the other stuff. But you can, you can just follow along, as you're printing things up, it's not a huge problem. And you know, you can if you could download stuff now and then print up in the break, it's fine. Okay, so let's, we're gonna talk about David David White's visitor and resident model. He considers this model if you're looking at a continuum, right between what he calls a visitor and resident, right? It's a continuum of modes of engagement based on motivation to engage, not technical skill or age, it's sort of shattering the notion of digital natives, right? that people don't go online. And people don't like people have grown up with technology doesn't mean that they know exactly how to use it, or how to use it effectively, it just means that they were motivated or not to do it. And there's not two types of people, right, there's not a visitor or a resident, that there's a range of modes on that continuum, right? It doesn't assume that ownership of technology equals high levels of digital capability, right? So and we're gonna get into what what the visitor and resident distinction is. So the visitor mode is, looks at the web as like a series of tools, right? That you leave no social trace that instrumental, you just have to find goals for what you're trying to accomplish, right? The examples include searching for information, reading information, watching videos, shopping, lurking in residence spaces, so you might have Facebook, but you might not post on Facebook, you might not share stuff, you might just read the timeline, right? Which is fine. So that's more like the visitor side of behavior. Or if you do occasionally write, post something, or you might occasionally share something, you might be closer to the visitor side of the spectrum. Whereas the resident mode is the web is a series of places, right? Where you leave a social trace, where you go online, to engage with others, that requires a digital identity, right? Examples include being active on social media, right? Like sharing things, retreating beings, posting on Instagram, a lot, right? etc, right? joining in discussions over social networks, commenting, being socially present in email you, right like that? Because we're not just gonna talk about social media, we're talking about everywhere you are digitally. That makes sense. And any questions on this so far? Okay, great. So we're also going to consider, this is where your handy blank page is, a piece of paper comes in, that if the visitor or resident is the x axis on this model, and the personal and professional is the y axis on this model, then you want to consider To what extent do those distinctions hold? Right? To what extent do our professional and personal identities collapse online? Right? Like, the are you up here? Do you use Twitter only for personal use? Right? Or maybe some professional, right? So? Or is it Are you a social media manager, and it's completely professional, and you just rarely use it at all? Right? So there's that all make sense? Okay, great. So here's some examples of that. And these are David white slides, right? So of people that he's loved through this experience, placing things on that continuum, right? Or in this model, right? And this person, like makes squares. Don't you don't need to make squares, right? But they, and you can see the age of this a little bit. They've got my space on there. But looking at, like, where these places are, right, I'm looking at Google search, work email, look at this particular blog, right? The next one has these like, well, I'm, I'm way up here on Twitter, but I'm also way over here, right? Um, that you know, or for Google might be the same

Unknown Speaker 30:16
texting Blackboard, right? If that's something that people are using in the context of of MSE, where I teach within the learning software that we end up using this desire to learn. So if I was a student here, I'd be putting that on there like, Okay, what what am I doing for that. And then here is a one of mine that I did a little while ago, because I did a little three minute thing, and I just really quickly just listed out because you can do this, you can make bubbles you can do whatever you like, whatever is, is suits you, you can have things going in both ways, you can see that I ended up putting my website kind of personal and professional, probably a little more professional than personal, right. So I didn't really consider having to spam things, but just kind of more accurately plot throughout that period, right? So that that that's either way right to, you can make designs on it, do whatever you like. Or you can do it as simply as I did just like write something in there, and it doesn't really matter. But you're going to make your own VNR map. So I want everybody to take your, your your blank piece of paper, I want you to go ahead and plot the y axis and the x axis. So the x axis is showing visitor resident and the y going personal professional. Go ahead and do that now. When everybody has that, just the access drafted, please give me a thumbs up or a thing indicating you're done with that. Thanks, Mitch. Okay, so I'm going to time everybody for three minutes. And I want you to really consider this like, include even like Home Depot? Maybe you're there, right? And maybe you just buy things on that side? Or maybe you leave reviews. Right? Like, where are you in social networks? But where are you with websites? do you what do you Google things all the time, right? Try to think broadly about, like, everywhere you actually go, right? And thanks, daddy. And in three minutes, I'm gonna go ahead and pop that in there. And just just put in these, these, these ideas where you're going to be, and I will let you know when the three minutes is up starting now.

Unknown Speaker 33:28
Hey, Max, I really don't get the visitor resident thing at some sort of stumbling here. Sure, okay.

Unknown Speaker 33:38
Yeah, so a visitor is like, for instance, if you go to a website, but you don't leave reviews, or you don't engage on the website, but you just read it. Right? If you go to to Twitter, but you don't post anything, you just read the timeline, you follow accounts, and you read the timeline, or you don't post very much, you don't share things, you just go to a site to accomplish one specific thing, right? That's more a visitor resident means somebody who is very active on these sites, very active on social media sites are and which ones very active on other websites on company sites on Google searches on any, any digital space that you often in habit, right? For instance, the last one that I did that I showed you didn't include stuff pops up all the time, right? didn't include next door. Turns out I've been using that more. So I would say that I'm more a visitor on that, but I have I posted a couple of things on that. Right? So it's, I'm sort of like on the continuum there. I'm not totally visitor, but I'm a little bit resident there. Right. So Whereas like Twitter, I am really active on Twitter mostly right? So that's I'm very much a resident. So I put that over to the resident side. And I do that mostly for professional reasons, but sort of wrapped up for, for for personal, right. So it just depends on where you want to put it and how you want to plot that. What makes sense to you. Does that make sense? Yep, thanks. Just because of clarification, I'll give it one more minute. Thanks, Mitch, for the clarification of interpreting visitor as essentially lurker consumer. I think that's pretty accurate to what David was talking about. Okay, time is up. So let's see here.

Unknown Speaker 37:05
All right.

Unknown Speaker 37:07
What Why don't you share with us some examples of what you chose to put wear on your VNR map? And I know it's my lunchtime. It's a couple more minutes to, like write down these things really quickly. So and because it's it's designed to let you start thinking about your first blush of where you think you are, right. Thanks, Mitch. Okay. Want to tell us about your your your map?

Unknown Speaker 37:37
Yeah, I thought it was interesting. Because it made me realize that I'm primarily a lurker. I'm primarily a visitor on most things that, um, that are not work related, like so my resident existence is primarily work ish. That includes even social like the primary social tool I use is LinkedIn is LinkedIn. And Facebook, I'm almost exclusively a lurker, Twitter, I'm pretty much a visitor, sorry, primarily visitor. Slack was one that kind of seemed to sit right in the middle, or I use it for, for some personal projects and some work projects. And again, I consume primarily, but but occasionally put, put content in. And so that was kind of intriguing to see that emerging five years ago, that wouldn't have been, you know, three years ago, that wouldn't have been on my map. And now it's right in the middle. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 38:37
Yeah. And I like that notion of like, knowing that a couple years ago, this might not have been there like that, right? Because that's the reason I'm doing to do it so quickly, because it's like, this is where you are right now. Right? And you can do this more. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 38:53
Just I'm kind of like this raised the idea of this sort of interconnectedness, like I don't really do anything on Facebook, but I have loads of people there. So my involvement on Instagram cross posts to Facebook, I think a lot of people do the same with Twitter, and other sort of social things but I'm sort of a resident there but not in any way as a professional to the extent that like, I sometimes choose not to follow a PR you know, professional association or something because I want to keep that out of my off you know, my outside of my nine to five I don't want to be thinking about that kind of thing. But there is a sort of this is interesting, because I think it made me think about the way that these things overlap because it's really difficult to just say that, okay, I don't use YouTube to learn how to fix a sink because they do, but mostly I'm using YouTube in a professional manner. And in both cases, I'm not logged in or leaving any kind of footprint. If

Unknown Speaker 40:00
I can avoid it. Right? Right. Yeah. And and that's what I like about this too. Is that like, you have to start thinking about it in those terms, right? In terms of Oh, what I like, because we don't take for granted those decisions, we make the decisions about what we're what we're going to do, but we don't think that critically about, well, am I really, what am I trying to accomplish in that space? Right? Yeah, and Sasa Slack

Unknown Speaker 40:26
Yeah, it's actually just Seth Sora chef creature change that. I think like the the previous two people are just realized that I am. Except for work. I am 90%, of visitor at all of these things. And, oddly enough for work related things. Even though I do administer a few social media things, I don't actually participate. Like I don't have a personal Facebook page anymore. Instagram, really, but I seem to force people to call me on the phone or use email for all my professional things. I actually don't respond to text about work. And, and just, and very rarely do i do anything any type of posting, if I have to on Instagram for my work. One thing I do a lot for work more than personal, which I discovered was I shop a lot for work for all of our gear here, so and but all of these things I kind of do, except for the shopping, I don't have my own personal things tied to them. Like I don't really activate my YouTube or my gmail account for you too. And I certainly don't have my personal Facebook or anything.

Unknown Speaker 41:45
Yeah, I mean, and that's another thing to think about is what am I not doing here? Right? And there might be very good reasons not to do the things that you don't do. But you can also look at it in terms of well, what am I not doing? And what what should I probably be doing, depending on what I want to do, right? It's about it's all about your motivation. Anybody else want to share what you came up with in your? Yes? Money?

Unknown Speaker 42:16
I, um, yeah, I so mine got quite full, but mostly, like set, it was professional in the residence space. It also seemed like it was sort of whether I did the experiment correctly, or not some of these things that I wrote down like MailChimp, and Shopify, I think, some kind of managing at arm's length. So actually, other people are putting the content in a book publisher. So it's sort of, I feel like I'm connected to using them. But I'm actually just offering feedback through email often says, we have, like, yeah, disconnection. And then I was sort of thinking about, it became very clear that I'm using Google Sheets, Google Calendar, Google Slides, like, all of these different elements in that whole suite that I'm really reliant on. I just kept writing Google, like, 1000 times. So

Unknown Speaker 43:12
yeah, I mean, another thing there is no wrong way to do this. Right. Like you said, as kept putting this up. I don't know if I did this, right. Yeah, he did, right? Because it's, it's about what makes sense to you, in terms of where you see yourself in digital online spaces. Jessica, in the chat says, For me, this was a line between how I use these like, I won't use the Facebook app, but we'll cross post using a browser and ever use Slack except as the app and so on. Right? Like, because Yeah, because you can use things as, as the browser version, or download an app. Right? to to get to you, thanks. Anybody else want to share their visitor management app?

Unknown Speaker 44:00
Everything your institution is anchored to Google office as well. Yeah, depending on where you are professionally, you are anchored to certain things I because I have this dual appointment thing at MSU. in theater, they are all are all about Microsoft Teams now. Whereas in dh, we're in Slack and Google. Like, I've been peddling us all these things now.

Unknown Speaker 44:26
I've been locked down for a while. So also notice, so many of these are to do with actually Zoom and like actually seeing people in talking whereas if I had done this, you know, a year ago, it would be completely different.

Unknown Speaker 44:36
Yeah, exactly. So I mean, and it is useful every once in a while, because I was even thinking like I showed you guys the one that I did last February, and it's like, well, it's different now. Right? So it's a useful thing to every once in a while, like take stock of where you actually are. Right? Just plot it out really quickly take you know, three minutes, five minutes to just draft it out and see like, Where am I really? At this particular juncture, right? That that'll that'll make sense. I thank you all for for taking that moment to plop those things and talk about that since Danielle says I totally every morning I was also I was also thinking about how different my chart would look a year from now or even a few months from now. Yeah. So like it is, it is something to repeat. Often, right? Every once in a while just flat out, they were well, where am I now? Right? And especially in the context of what we're going to cover next in terms of like, Okay, now we're gonna make some decisions about if how you want to continue doing things or how you want to change things, whether it's like by adding things or taking things away, or whatever you're going to do, right. But we can take a short break, see, yes. Let's, I mean, I know we just started a half hour ago, but I mean, how's everybody doing? Do you want to take a break right now? Or do you want to keep going?

Unknown Speaker 46:18
I'm doing well. But I appreciate your your sensitivity to all of us in the Zoom world. So but I'm good. Keep going.

Unknown Speaker 46:29
Keep going, keep going. Okay, all right. All right, let's let's, let's move on. We do only have 90 minutes. So there's that. But I wanted to be if any take a break anytime in between the next part because it does take longer than we'll do that 230 for me, so hang. Okay. Thank you, Marty. Appreciate it. Okay. This is the digital engagement framework developed by Jim Richardson and Jasper Visser. And this is a method to employ while drafting digital strategies, right? You can use it for doing overall strategy. There's a, you know, you don't necessarily need to, to limit to digital, the, as long as the framework works for what you want to accomplish, as long as you agree that your strategic goals, really associate with on that framework co created value where other people using your resources to create their own work. And that's what I like about this framework is that in the digital space, really what we're trying to accomplish is that is having other people take our stuff and do what they want with it. So it's not a question of whether or not you're doing it. It's question of how, right thanks that's. So in one way, it might be less restrictive, but I don't think it really is because there are a ton of ways to do that. So yeah, well, I'll walk you through basically how you want to address this, if it you move through the framework in sort of a circular sort of motion, right. And there's sort of a step, you know, a couple steps you want to take in before before you engage with this, and a couple of steps you want to take after. So we'll talk about those. Okay, here's my example of my personal digital strategy that I employed in February of last year. I know it's hard to read. But this is basically what we're going to do today, you're not going to fill all of it in like I have filled in there, you're just going to fill in a couple of little things in each of the places just to get started. You can fill it in more later. But that's what you'll mostly end up with is something looking kind of like that until you want to end and then you can import that into other any other document or any other thing that you want to do, right? Because this might not makes sense to just look at this and be like, Oh, yeah, that makes sense, right? So does that all make sense, right? And right now like what, what we're what we're looking to do that I'm going that we're going to we're going to go through the process of building this building a draft of a strategy by using the framework, but you're not going to throw out the entire thing today. Does that make sense? To the bear and the pandemic has led to a lot of attendance and things. just pretending. Okay. Okay, so the first thing you want to consider is duration, right? Like how long is this strategy supposed to be? Typically? Oh, and the other thing that I want to mention about this because I was saying it's digital presence, right, which is really a personal thing. You can look at it from an organizational standpoint, but I don't think that's very that I, I'm not seeing how directly applicable that is. Whereas the digital engagement framework. The people who developed it, have used it for individuals, they've also used it for it. institutions, they've also used it for festivals is almost also used it for like all these different entities, right? So you can there is a way, there are ways to use this for organizations, if you want to look at it that way. And I'll I'll be discussing that the slides will be centering on doing it for yourself. But I will also mention ways that this would apply to an institutional strategy. That makes sense. Okay, so first thing is the duration, right? Typically, you want to look at like three years or maybe five years, something that you're going to review annually, but something that you want, you're looking at long term plans. So you want to like decide what hat does this need to be something that we're going to do for five years? Is that something that we're going to do for three years? What does this look like? I wouldn't go less than three. I would, I would say like, Yeah, but you know, four is fine. Five, you can go longer, but most of the time, and I've been developing strategies with other humans on campus that they they're looking at one of those a three year or five year, right. Yes, niche.

Unknown Speaker 51:12
You may have just said this a moment ago, and I apologize if I missed it. But is it Am I thinking about this in terms of me individually, Mitch? Or in terms of the Museum of life and science? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 51:22
that's up to you. Okay. Yeah, like I said that the slides will be centered on what your you can do for this. But I'll also talk about what you can do if you're considering this from an organizational standpoint, if that makes sense? Yes, thanks. Okay, great. So I mean, in both situations, you got to figure out what the duration is going to be for yourself or for the organization. Right? And then the first thing you want to figure out with that is in that, that, that framework is trends, right? What outward trends are affecting what you're trying to do online, right? So look at Pew Research, internet and tech, look at know, your own bone look at like, the Center for the future of museums, look at what else is out there. That's happening. Right? I mean, Facebook went out for six hours the other day. Right? So the, the, the fallibility of the companies that run these things, right? Like, that can be a trend, right, that we're seeing it, but it's up to you to decide, what are the things that are, you know, what, what audiences are on what platforms, right, that might be something that you're gonna want to figure out, right? Like? How are people using museum resources in a digital way? Right? Just anything else you want to consider that might be pertinent to what you're trying to building a strategy, right, to making decisions that are specific about what you want to do versus anything else that you wouldn't do? So that makes sense. So once you have some of those, and you might consider any of the things that I that the ones that I mentioned before, after that, then in the framework on the left hand side, you see assets, right? So from the personal way, oh, yes, Mitch, good. Oh, you said your credit score. Okay. Awesome. I love for you.

Unknown Speaker 53:29
Alright, sorry.

Unknown Speaker 53:30
No, no problems, the problem for what is our are your specialties, right, your research areas, your degrees, your professional affiliations, right, from that personal point of view? Like what? What are the things that you as a person, how your skill sets your backgrounds, right? You know, for instance, the stuff that I put there was, well, I used to have a company called redshift productions that facilitated collaboration among scientists and artists to create performances, right? Give us theater background, I've got this background in museums, I'm gonna be projects that I worked on museums, right, these different things that I that I've done, so like, how do you know what what what are the things that I have that are gonna be interesting to other people? Right? Same thing for if you're talking about institution, what are your collections? What? What are your resources? What are the relationships and the partnerships that you have with other organizations? Right? Look at partnerships from a, from a personal point of view as well like, like if you have strategic partnerships with people from an end as as an individual, and that's something valuable to you, you can list that as an asset, right? But yeah, and anything, goodwill broadly in organizations, right? Whatever what are the things again that are interesting to people? What programs are you running? Right? What what events do you have how many donors, Do you have money? The board? What's interesting about your board? Right? Things like that, right? How How does that figure into the assets of the organization? Right? from personal perspective is just like what what what are your interests and your specialties your degrees? Or projects? Your publications even right? Like what what is it that you have, that's, that's a trick to use, right? So just right into the framework, a couple of those things, right, that are your your specific things that you that you know, about, or if you're going from the student point of view of you write down a couple of those like elections, programs, donor base, a walk, like all these different things that are assets to the organization.

Unknown Speaker 55:55
couple minutes do that.

Unknown Speaker 56:01
After you've written down, just just, you know, couple, two, three, maybe things that relate to the assets that you're considering, go to the other side of the framework, and look at your audience, right. And this, this is for both personal and professional, you want to look at the audiences you already reach, you want to look at the ones you want to reach more deeply. And you want to work looking at the ones that you don't reach at all. And that you might want to

Unknown Speaker 56:35
go ahead and list couple, two, three audiences that you do reach some audiences that you want to reach more deeply, and audiences that you want to reach but don't.

Unknown Speaker 57:03
Okay, then once you have a couple of those, I would direct your, your focus to the top of the framework. And I'll just go back a slide here. to the, to the reach area at the top, right. And reach is just what platforms do you reach people on? It's that simple. Like where where are they engaging with you? Right? through your website, through social media channels, which ones right through if your public posting things, and if it's an academic context, research gate or whatever else, right? Where's the place where you're, where the engagements going to happen. That's it, just just the channels, right? So write down a couple of those channels. And everybody just let me know once you have filled out just a couple things, each of those areas. Thanks, Abby. Thanks, Mitch.

Unknown Speaker 59:04
Okay, so we have a couple of trends. Got a few assets filled out, identify a few audiences that we reach, want to reach more deeply and maybe don't reach, but maybe you should. And then where's where do you reach them? Right? Where Where are you engaging with these audiences or where you want to engage with these audiences. Because that's something to consider with reach. It's not it's not just what you currently do. You should also include if you if you really would like to expand your reach of a certain channel, or or use a different channel to reach people, you're going to want to put that in reach that channel reach and that applies to organizations as well. The the audiences and the reach. Its, you know, audiences. museums, you consider audience, target audiences, and who they're serving and An individual should as well. And we're whether your personal or professional, you're reaching people over certain channels, what are they? Right? Okay, let's move on. Okay, this is the engagement phase, this framework that came from that website, there's another worksheet there called the value creation model, I find it useless. Whereas this one, I think, is essential to getting to where we're going to get with this framework. So what you do with this is you take, you have your list of audiences, right? The ones that you reach the ones that you wanna reach more deeply, and the ones that you maybe don't reach, and take them through these phases of engagement from reach, which actually, there's a really good example on on that, on the lower right side of that of that document, where they, they say it's, and then this is likely a Botanic Garden, right, what they're talking about, they say, to create walking routes that start or end at your venue, you create a platform where your audience can create these routes, right? You reach your potential audience with ads on blogging, websites, should be SEO, and sponsored content, right? interest is achieved with periodic curated walking tours, right? That you provide, right? The interest of the things that you provide. Visitors on the platform are involved with a rating system, so they can rate which ones they like the best, simple, easy, immediate feedback, right? And are ultimately asked, activated to share their own tours on your app. That makes sense. So you reach people in the channel, you interest them with whatever the cool stuff is, from your assets, right? And then you involve them by identifying what is the most basic, easy feedback system that is involved with the channel that you have on they reaching these people, sometimes that creates a little bit, like, if it's talking about your website, you have to have some sort of rating system or some sort of a way that people can contact you or something. Right? So that might be something that you're hoping to do. But through social, it's pretty obvious, there are obvious feedback mechanisms, right? On Twitter, you can like things or retweet things right? on Instagram, right? parts, right? So if you can identify those things very easily through social and then activate is okay, how is somebody taking the interesting thing you have, and actually using it to create their own goals? Right? And the reason I told you to print up three of them? Oh, yeah, here's just this this. Yeah, is that I want you to fill out like maybe three to four per worksheet, right? And you want to have extras for for doing this more, because you really want to have like, multiple ways that you do this, right? Considering all the audiences that you have. So you reach and that's and the reach is just for your framework draft right, like you already put those the the channels where you reach people. So just to give you I mean, I reach this audience at this place, I mean, interest them from things that we create, or based upon our assets, involve them by providing the most basic feedback method available, and then activate people to use their resource resources for their own work or to achieve their own goals. Go back to this for just a moment, because there's a it's a numbers game, right? And you might already know people who you reach that are already providing feedback to you. Some people who are already activated under already sharing your homework, and a whole bunch of people that you reach just basically, right. But it's sort of a numbers game of like, if you reach 1000 people, you interest 100, you involve 10, and you'll activate one.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:07
Right? But the idea is that you want to move your audiences through these phases. Does that all make sense? Any questions about filling out this engagement bases worksheet, I will show you a picture of these are the ones that I fill up fill that you probably can't really see what I wrote there. But just that's the example of how I was doing it, like a number of them write this and then reach I said this audience, what platform how them what kind of content, what kind of involvement, that that that payment per channel provides? And then how people are activated, right? What are they doing? And one thing that I consider on this on social platforms is that if people are just retreating Doing something and not really commenting on it. But just like sharing it with others. That's less activate more involved. But if they are quoting your tweet and saying something about how how this serves their own interest or is the like that they approve of this or endorse it in some particular way, right, like a complex kind of a comment, that's activation, because they're using it to achieve something that they want to do. And you can make an argument that a basic retweet does that but Aye, aye, aye. Aye, I'm more comfortable with I don't necessarily see the battle that that like a quote, tweet, yeah, is the same thing as, okay, this and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And also, this is amazing because of this other thing. And it was making me think about things that I talked about last week. Don't make sense. So you have to that distinction between, like the involvement of like, people can give like quick feedback that is valuable, you're involving people that way, that's great. But taking that next step to where they really want to take it and run is where you want to guide them toward it, that all makes sense. We'll move on to the next thing, I mean, I will give you a little bit of time to fill these out, I actually let's do that. Now just go ahead. And like at least two of these, like take an audience. Go back here. Take the one of your reach channels from your draft framework draft and say I'm going to reach this audience from this particular place where I reach them, I mean, interest them with something cool that you're the museum or you do right. Going to offer the most basic feedback mechanism and what is that? What that feedback mechanism? And then how are those audiences using the cool thing that you provided to achieve their own goals? What is what does that look like? I will give you all

Unknown Speaker 1:07:31
three minutes to make at least two of those. You can let me know if you have any questions or anything like that. Just about a minute leftover Okay,

Unknown Speaker 1:10:35
is that, okay? Now take those things that you just wrote down in those engagement phases, worksheets, all of a sudden all the things that you put in the interest area. And all the things that you put in the involve areas, on your worksheets, I want you to put them in the framework under the engage section. Go ahead and take a couple minutes to just write those down in that engage like all the interest and all the involved stuff.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:25
And then all the things in your activate area of the engagement pray phases worksheet, I want you to put those into the CO creating value area. Map, it's a little bit of a tricky one, you want to make sure that you're putting when you're when you're finishing this up that you have, you want to list everything you put in the interest and involve area and engage, it's a big enough place to put all that stuff. And you really do want to have that all there and available. When you put the stuff in CO created value, you might look at what things are similar, right, what and what that behavior looks like. and identify those as like, what themes are you seeing throughout all of your activating things, right? So ultimately, you want to distill them in about into about three or four things. And you can list out maybe one or two of them now to just think about maybe this is like that, or this is like that, right? Because those are your strategic goals. So those are the ultimate things that you're trying to achieve. Right? And so it does require a little bit of thought about, what what did these things all lead to? Or what do they look like?

Unknown Speaker 1:12:47
And I'll give you an example. Go back to

Unknown Speaker 1:12:53
this one of mine, right? I ultimately looked at all the ways that things were happening. And I looked at it in terms of conversations, that I was engaging conversations that I was looking at career growth, for others. The story of theater and museums, because that's that's my background. So what is that story? Right? And all of that moving toward equity and inclusion. But that those weren't the things that that came out in the activate it was like, Oh, well, they're there, they're there. They're they're engaging in conversation this way or that way. Or they're retreating these things with this complex comment or like what what is their, their the different things that they were doing? Right? And then I looked at those, it's like, Well, okay, that all of that kind of looks like just conversations in general. Right? So that's what I'm asking for in terms of what we put in the stuff into cocaine and value and what is what is the theme that's running there? Right? Because that that's, that's the that's a more active goal that you can look for when you're building this thing out. Does that all make sense? Any questions so far? Because you just did a whole lot.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:22
Okay, so now that you have those, those co created value goals, you might not have them all yet. It's not a big deal I don't like I said, I don't expect you to have to fill this whole thing out just yet. I'm just like guiding you through how to do this. You want to consider what objectives right? Those are the objectives area of the framework, what those are, and you'll ultimately want to have about three to four of those. And they can be three different types of objectives, right? They can be zero to one, which is I'm not doing something to I'm doing something, right. That can be a one to 02 I'm doing something And I want to stop. And it can be one to infinity, right one to whatever number you want, like I'm doing this and I want to increase it. And really, that it's going to be one of those, right? Each one of those. And each one of them needs to be smart. Want to call it smart goals, but SMART objectives in this context, write Specific, Measurable, Attainable, relevant to the strategy and time bound. Because that, again, because it's a lot Specific, Measurable, Attainable, I would also say ambitious, because you should be ambitious with your objectives. You just want them to be attainable, right? For instance, in you know, if you're trying to increase your follower count, you might say, Yeah, I want to increase it by 50%, by your one or whatever. But, you know, you don't want to say I want I'm gonna increase it by 1,000%, in that same time frame is that that's, that's a taint. It's not attainable, right? But you want something that's ambitious, right? Something that you do have to work toward, right. And then relevant has to your objectives have to be relevant to the goals and the strategy. And time bound. So specific, and when you're going when you're going to get it done by And typically, the objectives, you can't do the objectives in the short term, it's not something you can take care of in a couple months, it's something that you're going to achieve in my end of year one, end of year two, end of year three. So just thinking about a couple of those for now, of like, you know, what, what are the things that I need to do to achieve that creative value? That is a decision, I'm not doing something, I'm doing something or I'm doing something, I got to stop, so I can do this thing, or I'm doing something and I need to increase it by how much? to go ahead and draft one or two of those. Just what specific, measurable, attainable, relevant time down thing can I do? Identify when it's going to be done? I suggest using couples apart from you to get the accurate stage, the frameworks have got cascading failures. It's not a big deal to say this is sort of falls apart there. It's it's really okay to just look at at these at the the activation things as like, how on the platform are people taking what you're offering and using it for their own purpose? Or how do you want them to do that? Right? And I'm telling you that like, I like I said, it's not I don't expect you to fill this whole thing out right now. You got to take some time with it. So on your own just you can you can think more about that more deeply about like, well, what, what are the ways that people can can actually do this? Right? It's okay, if you don't have it. All right. Now, that makes sense, Jessica? Because I'm doing this for the or right. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, and, but even if you're just drafting it for the organization, you don't need to, this doesn't need to be the end all be all for the organization, right? You can take this and then take the organization and work on it with them to discuss, well, what are the ways that we're looking to make this happen, right? That make sense. Yes,

Unknown Speaker 1:18:57
thanks. This is actually an interesting operation for me, because I already have a five year not a digital strategy in the sense of the overview of the whole Museum, but for my department, which is kind of our digital operations of the museum kind of group. Yeah. And, you know, we have we have written and are working on the strategic goals for this five years in the future. But it's interesting to me that when I try to reverse this and start with the audience at the beginning of this engagement phases framework, and then work towards this activate along those lines, it's my strategic goals are very open. You know, and, and they aren't specifying audience and they aren't specifying a final product. They're written purposefully to leave space for my departments and staff within my group to define the implementation projects that they'd like to Ces used to reach those goals. So this is like the inverted pyramid version of what I had done. Because I kind of did a, what is it call the prospective hindsight, and the pre mortem kind of strategic operations to see, where did we go wrong five years if we keep doing what we're doing and so on. But this is how it is. It's interesting. It's a completely different methodology.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:32
Yeah, I mean, this is one way to do it, right? This is one way to crack the nut. It's not the only way. Right? Yeah, it's,

Unknown Speaker 1:20:41
um, you know, I have a similar issue with my institution in that this is great, because what happens here is, they have a great idea. And then my team, meaning me and the IT person are the last people to know. So if they have a program idea, or a community event, they come to us after it's all develop and say, What do we have? Seems like, this would be a great way to say, hey, before you do that, here's something to consider.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:12
Yeah. Yeah. And to my mind, like, I've got a lot of experience in like exhibition design, and social media stuff, and and we're talking about target audiences, right? We're not talking about, we're only going to reach these, this specific audience, right? Other people are going to use it, right who outside of your target, that's not a problem. But you have to have the target, so that you can design the experience for them. And I've argued in the museum context for people to remove any and all mention of general public. Because, again, design and experience for a general public, you can't design an experience that is right, for a five year old and an adult. Unless the family, right, you can't design an experience that's gonna be for a teenager. And that's going to be also for a topic. Yes, questions? Let's see. Sorry, it's not. Morning, sorry.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:28
Okay. I, it's interesting, the different ways in which people are planning to utilize this. And I didn't know coming into the workshop, how it might be relevant that I'm trying to change from traditional academic publishing in the kind of realm to measure it by social impact and engagement factors, and to have researchers work with me as a publisher, editor producer, much earlier in the research process. And I found it really difficult to communicate with people producing research, I don't want you to deliver a final manuscript and say, here it is, can you publish this, I want to talk to you about who it's for and who your research is with, and co design, you know, different methods of delivery, and you know, those sorts of things. So it's nice to be able to have a method of doing that. And I find that publishing doesn't have these as much as obviously museums seem to be really obviously further ahead in you. So I guess that's just my outsider. It's exciting to me to be able to apply this in that context. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:34
I mean, it's, it's so interesting to me because I had this experience in museums and also theater, right and, and where are the sort of lessons? The relic where I swear, I feel like the cross pollination should be going and where they should diverge. Right? Because they're all there. They're just, yeah, they're different, but they're very similar and a lot of ways that you People don't really understand. Yeah, stuff. Go ahead.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:05
Oh, no, sorry, that was a thing accidentally Sorry about that.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:10
Yeah, no problem. No problem. Okay, so if everybody's like, I understand if things aren't like filled out completely right now that's not what we're working toward. We're just working toward like little ideas of drats like little idea here. But the idea here that you can just have there so that when you walk away from this, and you go to share it with somebody else, if you're working on the organizational one, you can you can sort of walk them through this right? But doesn't need to be finished now and for yourself to it doesn't need to be finished. Now. We're just starting this now. You can finish it, like on your own time, because it's just gonna take more time. It's gonna take more time. All right, I don't expect like finished product after the end of this. It's just not feasible. Okay, so now that we've gone through all that through all the options Have the we have a an objective or two oh money you're saying probably asked similar questions, Jessica that I expect curators are much better equipped to think of audiences these way Based on a lot of academics, ah

Unknown Speaker 1:25:12
yes generalization big general lightstation but yeah public Institute public facing institution work firstly Internal research communication to your court The short Yes. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:25
Yeah, I mean that's so much and an accurate Magnesium, just throwing that out there. Okay?

Unknown Speaker 1:25:31
It is also because I am an advocate This text in the research context but i'm i've also have experienced from it Academic museum so yeah that and yeah It's it's an interesting thing to think about it from these different respects. So okay, now now that now that we've got a Least just an idea of where those things are in the framework and you have some idea of where you're activating Your audiences and how you're doing that and co created value and what objectives you need to achieve. That thing, those those things now you got to Consider in this middle part of the strategy, what information do you need? In order to do this Right Do you need a content strategy Do you need Like a Do you need to know more? What data do you Don't do not have that you need to know do you need to know who how people are using certain platforms and you don't have that understanding your trends yet do you? Like what is it that you don't have that that that you definitely mean, right? Information wise, what do you need to know? And go Haven't write in the one thing You might need to know in order to do To achieve those objectives to that will help Get to your goals. If anybody has any ideas they want to share with everybody. You tell us a little information. I'm gonna go back in the slides a minute to go to mine. Yeah, I, I'm saying I need a personal social media content strategy. That's what I mean. Right? I fought for Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. That's just what I was like, I need to have that information that I need to, like, draft out and create, right? Sometimes it's not something to create, sometimes it's stuff that you just need to know from some other source like, you know, I have a pretty good understanding of what which audiences are using what platforms, right, so that's fine. Now I just need to, I need to know what what's what steps I need to take to Minnesota my tone, how many times and I intend to post, like, I plan for making that happen. Right?

Unknown Speaker 1:28:41
Once you have one of those things, it doesn't need to be planned, it can be information can just be basic, oh, I need that report. But I saw that one time that told me about this thing. And he did that to my colleagues. Right? Whatever it is, then what technology? Right? What platforms? Like, in mine, I was like way on my on my presence. I was like way liquor on Instagram, barely using it. I'm like, Oh, I want to increase that. I want to do that. I want to do that in my digital presence. I'm not there yet. But it's a three year strategy. So I'm working toward it. But yeah, I that was one of the things that I I need to use Instagram. That's just something that I'm going to have to do if I'm if I want to reach the certain audiences that I'm looking at reaching with the content that I have, then that's where they are. Do you need a new website?

Unknown Speaker 1:29:47
Yes. So this is a very big question. And I'm working at this from a just particular exercise from a project that the museum has in mind right now. Big Question for from from here in our institution is how can we engage with people? This might not be in place assets, but how do we help engage people that might not have access to technology? And that's a problem in our museum and our community here in New Orleans where I am. Yeah, that's kind of throwing out throwing it out there right now, just because I'm at the technology part.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:21
So yeah, yeah, not for nothing. There was a there was a presentation I saw at muse, whether the people talking about how the percentage of people who don't can't access stuff online in this country, and Europe, it's like, it's like 10% in Europe, and it's like 40%, here is 40% of people who fully can't get online. Right. So

Unknown Speaker 1:30:47
like, it's a little higher here in New Orleans, actually.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:49
Yeah, I'm sure. Right. So yeah, what, how are we cracking that nut? Right. And that is a little bit outside the scope of what we're talking about here? Because we're talking about a digital strategy. Right. So there's that. But I mean, I think we all I mean, that might go in trends 40% of Americans are can't access online.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:13
Is this something that we could like slot in, in the this part? Like, if we're doing this in the in the for real? Big? Would this be something that would happen very early in the discussion, like when we're just writing out our assets or, or, or objectives?

Unknown Speaker 1:31:34
Yeah, and that's, that is where I was saying you could you could use this model to just do an overall strategy to not make it digital. You could write and you can, and you can say that the strategic goal that you're trying to accomplish is co created value and you're just talking about how you're going to do it, because there's ways to do that analog, right? Yeah. Okay. There's plenty of ways to co create analog space. So you just, you know, say talk about the digital stuff, and then talk about the ways that they're analog, and then incorporate that into the hold. Discussion? That makes sense.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:10
Yes, totally. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:12
Yeah, sure. Because in fact, the first time that I used it, we used it for an overall and not really for a, for a digital thing, because it was it was needed in that context. But they were five years past their most recent overall strategy, and they were hungry. For strategy, right? It's like, Okay, well, we have a way to do it. Let's do it. Yeah. So after you fill in, like what technology you might want to use to achieve these things, then what processes right, what ways of working? Do you need to employ to achieve those those objectives? Right, and those goals, right, you might need to hire people. Just saying, because for me, I'm working on a digital project with Southeast Asian artists as collaborator subjects, audiences, and Australia has a 9% internet coverage, whereas FCA has between 38 and 36. From my very quick, Google, there's just now changes my approach to delivery. Yeah, sure, right. Yeah. Yeah, so So. Yeah, it's always sad to have another question. Raise your hand raise from before.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:24
That was a thumbs up. I thought.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:26
Okay. Yeah, there was one. But then you had the hand up from before? And I could remember you can put them? No, no problem. No problem. Zoom is even on a Zoom is working, it can be wonky. Right. So yeah, what what, what ways what, like, what processes Do you need to employ to make this thing happen? Right? What way? Do you need to work to do this? Then go back again, the slides to my Oh, it's talking about what processes I talked about. Analytics plans, I needed to have plans for like, what, what analytics I was running, right. And what I was looking for, in the analytics, a plan for know for post conference posts, like, conference, some ups that put on medium or something like that, I've done a couple of those. But I was very haphazard can like I'll do it this time. And not that time. I wanted to be more deliberate about it. And then dedicating time for Instagram and for YouTube, because I haven't been very active on those places. And those places are where my audiences are. So

Unknown Speaker 1:34:41
there's a couple of examples. Anybody have any thoughts about processes they might think about in terms of achieving the goals that they are looking at?

Unknown Speaker 1:35:09
Yeah, I'm just, it's interesting to work back from the objectives to the technology, because sometimes my thinking is I'll what's available, or how can I get this done? And it's sort of led to that. So there's a lot of within survey questioning of the collectives that I'm trying to represent in this digital publication, everything's going to have to be multilingual, from the kind of Who are you? And what do you want down to the kind of how can you tell me what demographic you are when you do look at this thing, not just in an analytic sense. So yeah, it's, yeah, what's what these processes obviously complicate kind of how we approach something, but I'm just realizing how much translation I think there is when following the audience through this process.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:59
Yeah, so certainly, Oh, whoops. Don't be there in the slides. Yeah, so I mean, you need a process for that. Right? Like, you have to have a way that that works. Right, you know, in order to make that happen, right. So I mean, I certainly think that that's something you know that that's something that you need and needs to be noted. Like, right away. Certainly anybody else want to share any kind of processes as they buy.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:47
You don't have to, it's not a big deal. The next because so many printers have the whole framework build right after that point. You have these objectives that are your 123 whatever, right. You need to identify some action steps. Write the What can I do tomorrow? What can I do next month? Right? What are the what are the low hanging fruit things that I can do like right now to start working toward those objectives? Right? And list out as many as you want, I would say no more than maybe five. But that's probably about how many you want to do just like looking at, okay, I want to I want to, I want to reach this thing, I want to start doing this, I want to start doing that. Right. And those are a little bit easier to think about than your long term goal objectives. But, you know, so what are you going to start with? Right? So I mean, I would list one or two of those, right? What's what what can I do like right now to start working towards achieving this?

Unknown Speaker 1:38:02
Any thoughts about that? Like, what? What kinds of things do you all think you could work on right now to start getting to those goals? So finishing by getting started on

Unknown Speaker 1:38:27
can identify a multilingual survey platform? Best?

Unknown Speaker 1:38:32
Yeah. For sure. Anybody, like, see a channel that they haven't been using that they should use? I'm not saying that that's required. I'm just wondering.

Unknown Speaker 1:39:09
So after you list a couple of those things, like what are the what are the immediate kind of things you can do? Right right now, right? Then you have to decide the governance for your personal it's, when are you going to review it, right? Like, are you gonna review every year, or every six months, you could do the one, I usually just say, your spine, where you want to go back to the strategy and look at what you're doing and how far you are in in terms of reaching those objectives to reach your goals. Right? And you might have to change some things. It's like it's a living document, right? What whatever the strategy is, right? Because you can take everything in the framework that you have there and you can put it in a in a document that's listed out so that you can go hey, this is on social exam, right? It can be it can be as long and detailed or as one page as you want, right? As bulleted as you like. But whatever it is. If you're on with 10 minutes, whatever is useful for you, right? If you're doing institutional, it's when you're gonna review it, who's going to do it? Who is responsible for, for, for doing that and who is responsible for making decisions about the strategy that makes sense. for personal use, it's just when you're going to do it. Right. And, and, and maybe how, like, you know, is there a specific way you need to, to, to employ your analytics that you're looking at, right? That might be something new Putting in your governance plans but you have to have it you have to know what you're doing and how you're checking against

Unknown Speaker 1:40:47
it. And I mean that's it. That's it in terms of of doing it right. And this is why I'm saying you're not going to take this thing and be like, okay, some total is done to anybody right now. Not even to yourself, right? But you at least have just the ideas of getting to start populating this thing. I recommend if you're doing it from the personal point of view that you return to it within a week or two if possible, just to keep it fresh in your mind. So that you can start looking at your action steps and seeing what you can do like right now toward getting those those those those goals set and know this, but you might start doing something and identifying something and then come back two months later and be like, Oh, I need to add this.

Unknown Speaker 1:41:49
That's totally fine. You can totally do that. It's not a big deal. And

Unknown Speaker 1:41:54
you should treat it any any digital strategy document that you can Create whether for an organization or for yourself as a living document, because you have to review it. You have to go back and check against your assumptions and see if you're actually reaching this or not and things change. I'm in the middle of we were just reviewed digital strategy for digital humanities. And there's a whole thing in there about like how we were growing the minor, using these digital platforms is working with our advisor. We have new advisor, that's great. The advisors just left. We have somebody else in that place now but now we have to go back and and You know, onboard this person to what we do, you know, because this other person hadn't had a good idea of what the digital humanities program does. how it operates right now we have a new person who has no idea what the digital means program is. So now like, so we got to adjust the timeline of how we're doing that. Stuff happens all the time, right? I always tell people When I teach them that a plan means change, right? That you plan for something, but it's going to change like a budget, a budget, the plan, but it's gonna change, right? This is the same thing. It's like it's, but if you don't have the plan in place, you're lost, you're rudderless. You don't know what you're doing. Right? You need some sort of idea of how you're going to do and where the where any strategy comes is helpful is that it helps you to focus on the things that are important and pertinent to what you're trying to achieve with the audience's you identify. If, so, you're doing X, Y, and Z and not a, b, and c, it tells you that you're not doing everything because you can't do everything. You have to make a decision about where you're going to go and what you're going to do. Because once you start on the road down what you're doing, if you're doing something that's not aligning to your strategic goals, that should tell you right away that you shouldn't be doing you shouldn't be putting your resources there. Your personal resources or your institutional resources shouldn't be put it things that aren't in your strategy.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:00
Anything else that you would like to share about what you have all drafted? In terms of your strategy or about the David White's digital presence modeled questions you have for me?

Unknown Speaker 1:44:24
was interesting for me to um, so I've been using lean the lean business Canvas, but many of you might be familiar with I've been using that for 1520 years, something like that. And so it was, honestly was just kind of cool to see a riff on that notion about you know, looking through the lens of digital engagement. So I I kind of I appreciate the framework and I think it'd be you know, be useful tool for my team. Just think about I think we're I got lost Perhaps in the beginning was thinking about I think I broke down too many audience versus a five to think through which was fine No, that wasn't good. I was just having gone Now having walked through it to say, Okay, let's just walk let's just do this thing. Simply thinking say about teachers, right that we want to reach let's just think about the teachers and their needs right and what would you know? What would what would the the You know the value of CO creation look Like for just that's just that audience segment and like where do they Where do they live? Where do they exist? How can we reach them? So I think if I were to do this again and be be fun to do that For me to deal with some of my teammates just you know focused on a you know a particular market or audience we want to reach and play it out.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:43
Yeah, absolutely. You can also consider that That's where that that segmentation of your audience that's where that happens the negate phases discussion that you you taste that you pick one Right one audience, how do you achieve them? How do you do gave them on the channel right and move them to the basis of engagement and that's why you have To have like multiple things because you have multiple audiences so you know you need multiple sheets so that you can list it out right? And and that and it when you have multiple people working on it, you want them all to fill those things out. Something new take them and then call it call it all that information. Right and And then you have a list of things to activate that it does become even though it's like more stuff, it becomes a little bit Easier to look up okay. Where do you group these? Right? And how do they all relate And it's been I don't In my experience, I've never had a situation where I've developed a strategy with people where there were outliers. Everything went into themes. I was surprised about that. I was like what? How do we not have that liars like, but I've just never had outliers. It's always been like that that applies to this. Well, that applies to that. And this applies to this thing. We thought there were outliers but now that that's that's this thing.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:01
Cool. Thank you, Bridget Sure, sure yeah

Unknown Speaker 1:47:07
And then if you have any other questions For me, we have like three minutes left Or you can reach me through my email again is Evjen d a [email protected]. Or you can reach me on Twitter. I'm there a lot through my handles campus network. Any other pronouns? I mean, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 1:47:27
go ahead morning. Yeah just said um for me, it was Trying to develop some sort of workshops that helps to get researchers and to think Non tech centric outcomes and I think this could be injured. As a way to get away from what's your thing More title or content list or chapter headings and just to kind of think How does your audience want this information And now Just thinking through like where are they asking where are they will get us away from they're going to read a lot of text because naturally they're not going to be you know in this particular context. Thank you. merits, you know, artists working in Southeast Asia on different projects. So yeah, it's useful for that purpose for me.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:16
Yeah, absolutely. I and as I was saying before, like you have to have those audiences in mind in order to design these For that audience, because different audiences consume things differently, react to things differently, want different things have different motivations. Right. And again, you can't design for general public Because there's no way to do that you have to actually pick an audience and then figure out like Okay, what am I doing for them right? And you can you can dig deeper, right? You can look at This is your motivations like Don Both visitor motivations and figure out Okay, what are we doing for explorers What are we doing for Cameron They want, right? But however you want to parse that you can but but you have to make those specific decisions because You have to have that first in mind so that you know that you're designing the right thing for the right audience and And doesn't mean that other people in other age groups aren't going to use it. It just means that you're lining up for that audience do you design it that way and then anybody can use it. Anybody Take it Well thank you, everybody. It's 1230 So that's that's our time. I agree appreciate you're signing up for this and I really hope that you guys can using this tool and it can be helpful for you and I recommend, definitely check to medium your digital presence everyone smile like So much