It’s All in the Details: The Inner Workings of a Large-Scale Media Project

Over the past two years the Art Institute of Chicago (AIC) has been heavily invested in the production of a large-scale, cross-institutional iPad-based multimedia project. Behind this program is the development of a user-friendly authoring environment that will allow staff to build, maintain and expand program content over time. This session will provide a unique macro to micro approach in examining what it took to make the project a reality, from the larger organizational strategies down to the technical wizardry of the final program and product. Speakers will address topics ranging from teaming, external delegation, workflow and system integration to software tools like TAP, standards like TourML and HTML5, all the way to the delivery and installation hardware. This unique presentation will be organized to illustrate the continuum, synergies and challenges of large projects. Presenters: - Elizabeth Neely, Director of Digital Information and Access, Art Institute of Chicago - Scott Sayre, Principal, Sandbox Studios/Museum411 - Kyle Jaebker, Application Development Manager, Indianapolis Museum of Art Presented Thursday, Nov 8, 2012 at the Museum Computer Network Conference in Seattle, WA.