MCN is a community of haves and have nots; its members come from museums that have large endowments, extensive resources, and numerous staff members, as well as museums that, well, don't. This difference raises key questions about the relationship between large and small museums in terms of advancing the field of museum computing. Are larger museums obligated to pave the way for smaller ones, becoming the de facto innovators or path-blazers of our community? Do smaller museums expect larger ones to experiment with new technologies, determining for us all what works and what doesn't, and what best practice should be? How can smaller museums lead, and what can larger museums learn from them? What responsibilities do large and small museums alike share as members of MCN? This professional forum, featuring representatives from large and small institutions, will explore these questions in an attempt to determine how we can and should share what we know -- on a human-centered scale -- in a way that best meets the realities of our shared responsibilities. Join us for a lively discussion of how we all work to balance our internal and external obligations and expectations to our own institutions, the members of our shared community, and the future of digital practice in museums. Speakers Session Leader : Paul Marty, Professor, Florida State University Speaker : Jane Alexander, Chief Information Officer, The Cleveland Museum of Art Speaker : Rob Lancefield, Manager of Museum Information Services / Registrar of Collections, Davison Art Center, Wesleyan University Speaker : Carolyn Royston, Director of Digital, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Speaker : Loic Tallon, Deputy Chief of Digital, The Metropolitan Museum of Art MCN 2016 Presenting Sponsors: Piction New Orleans, LA