The Seattle Art Museum Online Scholarly Catalogue of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy

Presenters: Danielle Uchitelle, Managing Director, Gallery Systems; Michele Miller, Registrar for the Collection, Seattle Art Museum; Polina Soshina, Lead Designer, Web Atelier at Gallery Systems; Alex Hoan, Web Developer, Web Atelier at Gallery Systems A project of the Getty Online Scholarly Catalogue initiative (OSCI), the Seattle Art Museum online catalogue of Chinese painting and calligraphy was designed to support scholarly research and interaction with a unique collection of painted scrolls while also providing an immersive experience for the casual user. The project had to address a number of issues relating to external editorial input, versioning, image presentation for scrolls, as well as other requirements and presented a number of interesting challenges for project management, conceptualization, technical execution, and delivery. Teaming with a dedicated staf scholars and technical experts, the project helped provide insight into how such specialized scholarly projects may be addressed in the future. Presented Friday, Nov 9th, 2012 at the Museum Computer Network conference in Seattle, WA. #mcn2012sam