Recaps and reflections on #MCN2019

Conference attendees enjoy an evening at the San Diego Natural History Museum


Every year, the conference comes and goes in what seems like a blur. Filled with thought-provoking sessions, fun evening events and hallway conversations with friends and colleagues, the conference is like drinking from a firehose of #musetech and #musesocial awesomeness. Sometimes, you need some time to process all of the amazing work you and your colleagues have shared with each other. You may also need time to decompress and reflect on the year that passed to get ready for what’s next.

#MCN2019 was no different and we are happy to see the many tweets and posts coming out of this year’s conference. Below we’ve tried to compile most of them but if we’ve missed anyone please do slide into our DMs and let us know!

Lori Byrd-McDevitt’s “5 a.m. airport thoughts on community, self-care, and the ever-supportive culture of Museum Computer Network”


Rachel Ropeik’s “Sustaining and Maintenance: Reflections on MCN2019 (aka MCN should always be in San Diego) “


Jeremy aka Porchrates on twitter dot com with, “MCN 2019 San Diego thoughts from the cool rock wall at the conference hotel”


Seema Rao’s “To my conference friends 2019”

Suse Anderson’s “Because they are hard… Reflections on #MCN2019”


And now for a little art break from @thisisaaronland 



A thread by Chad Weinard


And finally a word from our new President.

Thanks Mr. President, here’s the link to the survey!

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