Recaps and reflections on #MCN2019
Every year, the conference comes and goes in what seems like a blur. Filled with thought-provoking sessions, fun evening events and hallway conversations with friends and colleagues, the conference is like drinking from a firehose of #musetech and #musesocial awesomeness. Sometimes, you need some time to process all of the amazing work you and…
Drumroll: the MCN 2019 program is live!
That’s right: after reviewing proposals and solving the puzzle that is the conference schedule, we’re thrilled to announce that the MCN 2019 program is now live: view program and schedule here. Congratulations to all our presenters. They bring a variety of themes, topics, and formats that will surely make for both an exciting conference and…
Get ready for a great program in San Diego!
Hey MCNers! The 2019 annual conference program is complete! Andrea, Eric and I spent the first weekend of June in a dull meeting room at the Newark airport Hilton to build the program schedule for this year’s conference. The program will be available late June/early July. In the meantime, we wanted to share some behind-the-scenes…
Well done on the 2019 submissions!
The 2019 Call for Proposals was a success! You submitted over 150 proposals on a vast range of topics featuring a diverse pool of speakers that represent different perspectives and voices across the field. We felt encouraged to see how strongly you all responded to this year’s new session types: deep dives, field trips,…
MCN 2019 Call for Proposals Submission Requirements
The Call for Proposals for the MCN 2019 annual conference will be open April 1-30. Given the various (and often quite substantial) changes we’re making to the overall process and more specifically to some session types, we thought we’d share the submission requirements ahead of April 1 so you have some time to familiarize yourself…
MCN 2019 Preview: Towards a new Conference Experience
No two MCN annual conferences are ever the same. Year after year, we review the feedback from the last conference to shape the next one. The changes we make are always important but not necessarily noticeable to most attendees. This year however, the suggestions led us to rethink the standard blueprint of the schedule,…
Happy New Year from your 2019 Conference Program Co-Chairs!
Believe it or not, work is already underway for MCN 2019. I’m pleased to share that we had many outstanding applicants for the two Conference Program Co-Chair positions. From these, we’ve recruited Andrea Ledesma and Andrea Montiel de Shuman, who will serve as Co-Chairs for MCN 2019 and 2020. Both Andreas bring a wealth of…