AMA on Museums and Technology
Join past board member, Ed Rodley, past SIG Chair Emily Lytle-Painter and Michael Peter Edson for a Reddit AMA on Museums and Technology. Click the image to view the archived conversation.
Your new MCN Special Interest Group (SIG) Chairs and Vice Chairs
In December we held the very first SIG Chair elections. The voter turn out was impressive, which shows that our SIGs are an important part of the MCN community. Strong SIGs foster discussion and collaboration among colleagues and this is at the heart of what MCN does. Not part of a SIG? Want to be?…
Welcome MCN 2016 Program Co-Chairs!
By Suse Cairn, MCN Conference Program Chair I’m delighted to announce that Jennifer Foley and Trish Oxford have agreed to join me as Co-Chairs for #MCN2016! Every year, the conference Program Committee has the daunting task of shaping the conference, from creating the Call for Proposals, to reading, discussing and deciding on the conference sessions, as well as…