Humanizing the Un-Conference: Present Your Conference Session Ideas
…at the Conference! Post by Max Evjen Always coming up with ideas for proposals while socializing with other #musetech professionals at MCN? Want to build upon what you’ve heard while it’s still fresh? This brand-new kind of session is for you! Submit your ideas for the MCN Humanizing the Un-Conference! This is an…
MCN’s commitment to Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, & Inclusion
Post by MCN Board Member, Desi Gonzalez One of the things I’ve found to be special about the MCN community is that it’s made up of people who are genuinely interested in building inclusive museum technologies for diverse audiences. You can see this grassroots energy each year at the annual conference, where sessions titles…
Announcing MCN 2019-2021 Strategic Plan: Achieving impact through inclusion, innovation, and community building
Updated mission and vision statements, summer 2018 To grow the digital capacity of museum professionals by connecting them to ideas, information, opportunities, proven practices, and each other. A world in which all museums are empowered digitally to achieve their missions. We’re pleased to announce MCN’s new three-year strategic plan (2019-2021), which was developed…