by Erin Canning, Ontology Systems Analyst at LINCS (Linked Infrastructure for Networked Cultural Scholarship); @eecanning on Twitter Linked data is a way of structuring data so that it can be connected to data from other sources and queried all together. For museums, this discussion often comes up in regards to collections data: how can different…
By MCN Human-Centered Design SIG Chairs Cathy Sigmond, Head of Strategy/Senior Researcher at RK&A, Inc. (@cjsigmond) and Madhav Tankha, UX/UI Designer at the Metropolitan Museum of Art If the pandemic has brought one idea to light since it began in 2020, it’s this: people matter most. This is just as true for museums as it…
I’m delighted to announce that the Board of Directors of MCN has just appointed Lyn Hsieh, Andrea Ledesma, Brittany Nazario, Seema Rao, and Jessica Warchall to serve on the Board for a 3-year term effective this November. Join me in congratulating each of them on their appointment. As new faces join the board, others will…